1921 Census Returns:
Sunday 19th June 1921
The census was postponed for two months from April due to industrial unrest and no census was taken in Ireland due to Irish War of Independence. This was the first census in the UK to ask about place of work and industry, and whether a marriage had been dissolved by divorce.
Enumeration District 8, Enumerator: Fred Ramsden
National Archive (Reference TNA RG 15/24192/0001)
In 1921 Burton-cum-Walden was divided into two Enumeration Districts: the north side of the village was in District 8 and the south side of the village was in District 9. Both districts are transcribed here.
Enumeration District 8: All that part of the civil parish of Burton-cum-Walden which lies to the North East of a line commencing at Little Beck at the west end of the village of West Burton thence passing in front of the Black Bull Inn along the main road to Burton old bridge and thence along the road called Morphet Gate to the parish boundary at Oswald Pasture.
Comprising the whole of the North Side of the village of West Burton including the Black Bull Inn, Flanders Hall, How Raine, Sorrelsykes Park, Sorrelsykes Farm, Sorrelsykes Cottage, Morphet Gate, Edgley, Adam Bottoms, Brown Lea and Eshington. Also a formely detached part of the parish of Thoralby comprising a part of Nellholme, Hestholme and Hestholme East.
The following information was recorded about each person: forename and surname; relationship to head of house; condition; marital status, if orphaned; age, sex; number of rooms occupied; occupation; employment: employer, worker, own account, place of work and name and address of employer; where born; county/place; name of street, place or road, and name or number of house; nationality, school attending whole or part time, number of children aged U16 and age at last birthday. Each household was completed by the head of house, or enumerator, but signed by the head of house, enabling you to see your ancestor’s handwriting and signature. (1921 example see below).
The whole of the Township of Burton-cum-Walden contained 385 inhabitants, of whom 184 were male and 201 were female. There were 98 households, (62 in numeration district 8 and 36 in enumeration district 9).

Above is an image of the 1921 census, household No. 1, Annie Sadler Capstick and family, Burton-cum-Walden.
Reproduced with the kind permission of The National Archives (Reference: GBC_1921_RG15_24192_0357).
The tables below are a transcription of the 1921 Census for Burton-cum-Walden.
The table contains a lot of information, so it may be slow to upload fully. Please be patient.
Enumeration District 8: NORTH SIDE OF THE VILLAGE
Enumeration District 9, Enumerator: George William Capstick
National Archive (Reference TNA RG 15/24192/0001)
Enumeration District 9: All that part of the civil parish of Burton-cum-Walden which lies to the south west of a line commencing at Little Beck at the West End of the village of West Burton thence passing in front of the Black Bull Inn along the main road to Burton old bridge and thence along the road called Morphet Gate to the parish boundary at Oswald Pasture.
Comprising the whole of the southside of the village of West Burton also the Valley of Walden, which comprises Riddings, Cote, White Row, High & Low Dove Scarr, Chapel Green, Nell Bank, Bridge End, Ashes, Walden Head, Rowton Gill, (Wast & West), Hilltop, Haw, Hargill, Cowstone Gill and Cross, Forelands and Dobson House.
N.B. Dobson House cannot now be traced, if it still exists it is used as a Barn & has a different name.
Enumeration District 9: SOUTH SIDE OF THE VILLAGE