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Wills -
Thoralby Transcriptions

[This section is under construction].

 Miles Bowes of Thoralby, 1579

Transcript of Will of Miles Bowes, Thoralby - 1579, courtesy of DCM, Hawes.

A true & perfect Inventory of all the goods and cattels as will moveable as unmoveable of Miles Bowes of Thoralby late deceased praysed by these 4 men viz William Robinson Michael Sadler Adam Sadler Christopher Butterfield as followeth made the last day of March Ano. Dom 1579.

                                                                                                                                                                                                       £    s.   d.

Imprimo five kine (cows)                                                                                                                                                                     £6.00.00

It(em) 2 stirks                                                                                                                                                                                        £1.00.00

It(em) one gray mare                                                                                                                                                                           £1.06.08

It(em) one stagg & one foal                                                                                                                                                               £1.06.08

It(em) 28 old sheep                                                                                                                                                                              £3.06.08

It(em) 10 shepe hoggs                                                                                                                                                                         £1.00.00

It(em) 2 hennes                                                                                                                                                                                    £0.00.06

It(em) 4 kettle pans                                                                                                                                                                              £0.13.04

It(em) 3 lesse pannes                                                                                                                                                                          £0.01.00

It(em) 5 brasse pots                                                                                                                                                                            £0.16.00

It(em) 18 piece of pewter                                                                                                                                                                   £0.04.08

It(em) one chaffing dish, one candlestick, one salt                                                                                                                        £0.01.04

It(em) wood vessel, barrels. gallons & tubbs                                                                                                                                   £0.02.00

It(em) one ambry 2 dishooks 2 chests                                                                                                                                              £0.10.00

It(em) one meat board, chains & stands                                                                                                                                          £0.00.08

It(em) one cheeseboard                                                                                                                                                                      £0.00.03

It(em) one ? with tongs                                                                                                                                                                        £0.00.08

It(em) one hay spade & one                                                                                                                                                            £0.00.06

It(em) husband gear carts & such like                                                                                                                                               £0.00.11

It(em) Bedcloths 2 pair of sheets 2 blankets 2 covelets                                     

  3 pappins (wrappings) & 2 coddes (pillows)                                                                                                                                 £1.00.04                                                                                                         

It(em) 2 bedstocks (bed-frame)                                                                                                                                                         £0.00.08

It(em) one sack & one poke                                                                                                                                                                £0.00.08

It(em) one windowcloth, sieves, riddles & 1 peck                                                                                                                           £0.01.04

It(em) corn threshed & unthreshed                                                                                                                                                  £0.05.00

It(em) the money in his purse                                                                                                                                                            £0.01.04

Debts owing unto the forsaid Miles Bowes - Michael Bowes                                                                                                        £0.08.00

 TOTAL   £1.07.02?

[This section is under construction].

 William Lonsdale of Thoralby, 1595

Transcript of Will of William Lonsdale, Thoralby - 1595, courtesy of DCM, Hawes.

A true & perfect Inventory of all the goods and cattels as will moveable as unmoveable of John Bywell of Thoralby late deceased praysed by these 4 men viz William Sadler Miles Simpson Thomas Dixon Jonathon Bywell as followeth made the second of September 1720.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 £   s.  d.

It(em) His purse and apparoll                                                                                                                                                             £5.00.00


It(em) Two ?                                                                                                                                                                                           £4.10.00

It(em) A hay Slat                                                                                                                                                                                    £2.00.00

It(em) Beds and Bedding                                                                                                                                                                     £2.10.00

It(em) ?                                                                                                                                                                                                   £1.10.00

                                                                                                                                                                                          TOTAL        £17.15.00                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

[This section is under construction].

 Richard Dixon Grocer of Thoralby, 1703

Transcript of Will and Inventory of Richard Dixon, grocer of Thoralby, 1703.

In the name of God Amen, I RICHARD DIXON of Thoralby in the parish of Aisgarth and in the County of York, Grocer, being


sick  of body but in sound and perfect memory praised be God Almighty for the same. And calling to mind the uncertainty of


this transitory life here on Earth and knowing that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call do make and


ordain this my last Will and Testament revoking and disannulling all and every former and other Will & Wills, Testament or


Testaments by me willed or bequeathed and this to be my last Will & Testament and none other. And first of all I bequeath my


soul unto the hands of Almighty God my only Saviour, mediator and redeemer, hoping and assuredly believing to receive full


free pardon and remission of all my sins. And for my body I commit it to the ground from whence it was taken and to be


buried in Aisgarth Church Yard after such decent and Christian burial as by my Executrix hereafter named shall be thought


most and convenient. And as for the settling of such temporal goods as it hath pleased God out of his bountiful love and


kindness to bestow upon me I do give and bequeath in manner and form following ------That is to say, first I do give and


bequeath unto MILES DIXON my eldest son the sum of five shillings to be paid unto him at the end of twelve months next


after my decease. Item – I give and bequeath unto THOMAS DIXON my younger son the sum of five pounds to be paid unto


him within twelve months next after my decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter ISABELL HAMOND wife of John


Hamond of Thoralby the sum of five pounds to be paid unto her or her assigns at the end of twelve months next after my


decease. Also I give and bequeath unto my daughter ELIZABETH TAYLOR wife of John Taylor of the aforesaid Thoralby the


sum of five pounds to be paid to her or her assigns at the end of twelve months next after my decease. Also I give and

bequeath to my youngest daughter MARY DIXON half of my household stuff or household goods throughout all and sixty


pounds of lawful money to be paid unto her or her assigns at the end of twelve months next after my decease. Item – I give


and bequeath unto MARGARET DIXON and MARY DIXON my two daughters one messuage or tenement house and Call


garth with the appurtenances thereunto belonging which formerly did belong unto John Bowes of the aforesaid Thoralby with


pasturing or herbage for cattle in the [?] and side pasture according to the rate or [stint] of two shillings in the year to be


equally divided between them to have and to hold the aforesaid house and premises with the aforesaid pasturing to them


their heirs & assigns forever. Also I give and bequeath unto MARGARET DIXON my daughter two closes called Kirkhill Banks


containing by  elimination five acres with pasturing or herbage for cattle in the aforesaid [?] and side pasture belonging to the


aforesaid Thoralby according and it shall be rated or [stint] after the rate of four shillings in the year to have and to hold the


aforesaid closes called Kirkhill Banks and pasturing thereunto belonging to her, her heirs and assigns forever. And also the


rest of my goods and chattels moveable and unmoveable, my debts, legacies and funeral expenses being paid I do give unto


MARGARET DIXON my daughter whom I do make my sole Executrix of this my last Will & Testament. In witness whereof I


have hereunto set my hand and seal the eighth day of October in the year of our Lord 1700. Richard Dixon

Sealed signed and delivered in the sight and presence of us: Robert Sadler, Richard Hamond, Michael Barnes.

I, Miles Simpson of Thoralby in the County of York, yeoman, and Margaret my wife, Executrix of the last Will & Testament of


Richard Dickson late of Thoralby aforesaid of the parish of Aisgarth within the Archdeaconry of Richmond in the Diocese of


Chester deceased acknowledge that upon the day of the date hereof to have received out of the Registry of the Archdeaconry


of Richmond the original will and testament of the said Richard Dickson deceased of [?] said Will [?] writing above written is a


true copy witness our hands this seventh day of April 1703. Myles Simpson, Margaret Simpson

 Mary Dixon of Thoralby, 1708

Transcript of Will of Mary Dixon, of Thoralby, 1708.

In the name of God, Amen, I Mary Dixon of Thoralby in parish of Aysgarth in the County of York, spinster, though sick of body

but ???? & of faith & of good & perfect memory praised be to God for the same do make & ordain this my Last Will &

Testament in manner and form following: First I bequeath my soul into the hands of almighty God my ???? & redeemer


knowing assuredly to receive it against whose pardon & forgiveness of all my sins at the ???? at the last day & my body to be


buried in Aysgarth Church yard. At the instruction of my Executor hereinafter nominated & for the estate that it hath


pleased God to ???? me ???? I dispose of it as followeth: I do give and bequeath unto Miles Dixon of Askrigg my brother the


sum of two pounds of lawful money to be paid to him or his assigns with twelve months next after my decease. I give &


bequeath unto Thomas Dixon my brother the sum of two pounds lawful money to be paid to him or his assigns within


twelve months next after my decease. I give and bequeath unto Isabel Hammond my sister the sum of one pound ten


shilling to be paid to her or her assigns within twelve months next after my decease. I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth


Taylor my sister the sum of one pound ten shillings to be paid to her or her assigns within twelve months next after my


decease. All the rest of my goods & chattels ????..........of my debts, ???? & funeral expenses being paid I do solely give &


bequeath unto Miles Simpson husband of Margaret Simpson my natural sister whom I do make my sole executor of this


my Last Will & Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the twenty second day of November in


the year of our Lord God 1708.

Mary Dixon (her mark)

Sealed, signed & delivered in the sight of & presence of Margarett Hogg (her mark), Michael Barnes

Inventory was made 8 December 1708 by Wilf Sadler, Michall Milner, Reynold Hammond, Edward Hogg.

(West Yorkshire Archive Service, RD/AP1/34/89)


(Important note regarding this will: It appears that the will was recorded under the name of Margaret Dixon, however when you read the will the testator is Mary Dixon. Also, near the end of the will she names her natural sister as Margaret, which makes the officially recorded name erroneous.)

  John Sadler, yeoman of Littleburn, Thoralby, 1732

Transcription of will of John Sadler, yeoman of Littleburn, Thoralby, 1732. 

In the Name of God Amen I John Sadler of Littleburn near Thoralby in ye county of York yeoman being sick in body but of


sound perfect disposing mind and Memory do make constitute and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner


following Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my Eldest son William Sadler the sum of one shilling he having by Virtue of two

Marriage Settlements an ample provision out of my Estate. Item I give and bequeath to my two Sons John and Robert all

other my Real Estate Closes houses and parcels of Ground whatsoever by what names or Number of Acres whatsoever


commonly called or known situate within the precincts of Thoralby and Newbiggin To hold the same to them their heirs and

assigns for ever Item I give to my wife Alice Sadler all the Household Goods within the house I now inhabit and also if my


said Wife be now with child I hereby give unto her the annual sum of forty shillings towards the Education of this Child till it die


or attains the age of twenty one years at which said age I give unto the said Child the sum of forty pounds which said sum

of forty pounds and annuity of forty shillings I appoint to be paid out of my Estate above bequeathed unto my sons John and


Robert Sadler. Item I give unto my Daughter Ann Sadler the sum of One hundred pounds to be paid to her by my Executor


hereafter named when she shall attain the age of twenty one years and in Case she die before she attain the said age them


my Will is and and I hereby appoint the said sum of One hundred pounds be paid to my Sons John and Robert when

they shall attain the respective ages of twenty one years equally Share and Share alike or if either of them die before

they attain said age of twenty one years then I give then I give the same to the Survivor Lastly I give unto my Mother

Ann Sadler all my personal Estate whatsoever Bills Bonds Debts Chattells Goods moveable or immoveable household

Goods and Implements of Husbandry and all other my personal Estate whatsoever herby not disposed of to be by 


her disposed of accordingly as she shall think fit and convenient towards the Education or advancement of my

younger Children and do herby constitute and appoint my said Mother to be sole Executor of this my last Will and

Testament and hereby likewise appoint her to take the Tuition of all my said Children. In Witness whereof I have hereunto set


my hand and Seal this fourteenth day of November Anno Domini seventeen

hundred and thirty two John Sadler Signed sealed published and declared by this said Testator to be his last Will and


Testament in the presence of Will Sadler _   Edward Chapman  _ Chrs. Sympson       

 James Mudd the Elder of Thoralby, 1743

Transcript of Will of James Mudd, of Thoralby, 1743.

In the name of God amen I James MUDD the Elder of Thoralby in ye parish of Aisgarth & County of York yeoman being weak


of but perfect of memory doe make & ordain this my last will & testament in manner & form following –

I bequeath my soul into ye hands of almighty God my maker hoping through ye meritt of Jesus Christ my redeemer to receive


free pardon of all my sins as for my temporall estate which it haith pleased God to bestow on me I dispose of as follows - - - - -

Them I give my son James MUD my house ye Garth wherein I now dwell. Items I give my son Robert MUD his heirs or


assigns my cow house wherein my son James MUD now dwells with a Garth ajoining on it. Item I give my wife Isabell MUD


ye West End of my dwelling house wherein Thomas FLETCHER now dwells during her natural life I ???? wife my Close called


Oddygeare during her natural life & then to goe to my son James his heirs and assigns forever my son James his heirs or


assigns paying to my son Robert his heirs or assigns out of my ye Close at ye death of my wife ye sume of five pounds lawfull


???? money. Them I give my wife all my bills & bonds, chatels moveable & immovable of what nature or kind forever & doe


make her sole executor of this my last will being January ye 10th 1743.

Sealed Signed published & declared to be my last will wth his heirs or assigns being enter ??? in ye presence of us

James X his mark MUD


Leonard his mark X MUD


3 Oct 1751 I Isabell MUDD widow relict and sole executrix named in the last will and testament of James MUDD the elder of


Thoralby in the parish of Aisgarth in the county of York and Archdeaconry of Richmond yeoman deceased approved


personally and was sworn truly and faithfully to execute and perform the same and that the goods, chattels and personally


estate of the said deceased at the time of his death did not in their evaluate exceed the sum of 10.

Sworn before me John DuPont surrogate



Cond…0. 4 .0

            1. 1 .0

Mudd James Son

Late of Thorably

Parish Aisgarth

Will and Act

 James Mudd of Swine Coate Thoralby, 1779

Transcript of Will of James Mudd, of Swine Coate Thoralby, 1779.


I James MUDD of Swine a Coate near Thoralby in the Parish of Aysgarth and County of York considering the uncertainty of


this mortal life and being of sound mind and memory blessed be almighty God do make and publish this my last Will and


Testament in manner and form following that is to say I do hereby in the first place invoke and annul all former and other

Will and Wills by me made and as for and conceiving my worldly affairs I dispose of as follows first ordering all my just debts


and funeral expenses to be discharged by my executive hereafter mentioned first I give and devise to Elizabeth my dearly


beloved wife for the term of her natural life all my messuages[1], houses, lands, tenements and hereditaments[2]


scituate[3] lying and being at Thoralby and within the precincts and territory’s thereof and from and immediately after the


death of my said wife I give and devise to my son James MUDD all my dwelling house wherein he my said son now dwells


together also with my new dwelling house being lately erected with the stables, grass garths and gardens belonging with all


other rights, privileges and appurtenances belonging the same together also with one close or parcel of ground commonly


call or known by the name of Croft One other close or parcel of ground commonly called Reading also one other close or


parcel of ground called Oddy Grave together also with all my Cattle Gates and pasture grass whatsever to hold to my said


son James for the term of his natural life and after the determination of that estate to William BROWN of Thoralby

aforesaid gentleman and my son William METCALFE and their heires during the life of my said son to the intent to support


and preserve the contingent uses and remainder herein after limited from being defeated or destroyed. Nevertheless upon


trust to permit my said son to receive the rents, issue and profits thereof during his life and from and after his decease then


to remain to my grandson James MUDD all my old dwelling house where my son now dwells with the stable grass garth and


garden thereunto belonging with the appurtenances together with those three several closes and parcels of ground above


mentioned together also with the cattle gates and pasture grass to hold to my said grandson and the heires of the body of


my said grandson lawfully issuing and for default of such issue then to the use and behoof[4] of the second, third, fourth,


fifth and all and every other son and son’s of my said grandson James to be begotten the elder of such son and son’s and the


heires of his body lawfully issuing to be always preferred and to take before the younger of such son’s and the heires of his


body; and for default of such issue then to the use and behoof of all and every the daughter’s of my said grandson to be


begotten lawfully issuing and the heires of the body and body’s of such daughter and daughter’s as tenants in common and


not as joint tenants and for default of such issue then I give the same to my grandson William MUDD for and during the


term of his natural life and after the determination of that estate then to the use and behoof of the said William BROWN


and my said son William METCALFE and their heires during the life of my said grandson and in trust for him and to the




Geo: Wray

John Fawcett

Thos Lupton

The mark of James X Mudd

To support and preserve the contingent uses and estates after mentioned; and after his decease to germaine to his issue in


taile in such manner as I have limited the same to my grandson James MUDD; and for default of such issue then I give the


same to my grandson Alexander MUDD for and during the term of his natural life and after the determination of that


estate then to the use and behoof of the said William BROWN and my said son William METCALFE and then heires

and behoof of the said William BROWN and my said son William METCALFE and then heires during the life of my said


grandson and in trust for him to support and preserve the contingent uses and estates after mentioned; and after his


decease to germaine to his issue in tail in such manner as I have limited the same to my two grandson’s above recited and


for default of such issue to remain to my right (eight?) heires their heires and assignes for ever I give and devise to my


daughter Isabel wife of William Metcalfe and also to my son William METCALFE all those three dwelling houses now in


the occupation of Michael Heseltine, Jeffrey Heseltine and Thomas Tennant together with all and every the


appurtenances belonging or appertaining to hold the same from and immediately after my wifes decease for the term of


both their lives the survivor or longer liver of them and from and after the decease of my said son and daughter in case she


my said daughter should then have either child or children to hold to them their heires and assignes for ever if children


equally amongst them have and share alike as tenants in common and for default of such child or children as aforesaid I give


and devise the same to my two grandsons William MUDD and Robert MUDD for the term of their natural lives to hold the


same as tenants in common and after the determination of that estate to the said William BROWN and his heires and also


the heires of my said son William METCALFE during their lives and in trust for them and to the intent to support and


preserve the contingent uses and estates after mentioned and after their deceases to germaine to their issues in tail in such


manner as I have limited in the former devise and for default of such lawful issue begotten by my said grandsons or either of


them then and not before I will and direct that the same shall remaine and be to other my right heires their heires and


assigns forever I also give and devise to my grandson Alexander MUDD all my new dwellings house being lately erected


together with the stable grass garth and garden thereunto belonging to hold the same from and immediately after my son’s


decease for the term of the natural life of my said grandson Alexander and after the determination of that estate then to


the use and behoofe of the said William BROWN and William METCALFE my son and their heires during the life of my said


grandson and in trust to support and preserve the contingent uses and estates after mentioned and after the decease of my


said grandson remaine to my right heires their heires and assignes forever as to all my personall estate goods and chattles


of what kind or nature soever I give the same to my wife and I make and ordain her my said wife sole executrix of this my last


will and testament and my loveing friend William BROWN and son William METCALFE oversee’s thereof to take care and


see the same performed according to my true intent and meaning and that they shall have and receive reasonable expences


for their trouble In witness whereof I the said James MUDD have to the first sheet of this my last will and testament


containing two sheets of paper sett my hand and to the last sheet thereof my hand and seal this twenty fifth day of March


one thousand seven hundred and seventy nine.

Signed sealed published and declared by the said testator as and for his last will and testament in the prescence of us who


were present at the signing and sealing here of



Geo Wray

John Fawcett

Thos Lupton

The mark of James X Mudd

August 15 1785

James MUDD son and heir of the testator / the exectrix in the will named having first renounced / was sworn well and truly


to execute and perform the same and so forth and that he believed the personal estate of the deceased at the time of his


death did not in its real value exceed the sum of eighty pounds

Before me

Jas Lamb Surrogate

153/18 1785 August 15

MUDD James

Late of Swinacoate P. Aisgarth Yeoman


[1] Messuages: a dwelling house with outbuildings and land assigned to its use

[2] Hereditament: any item of property, either a corporeal hereditament (land or a building) or an incorporeal hereditament


(such as a rent), that can be inherited

[3] Scituate: obsolete form of situate

[4] Behoof: benefit or advantage

  James Mudd the Elder of Thoralby, 1813

Transcript of Will of James Mudd, the Elder of Thoralby, 1813.


In the Name of God Amen I James MUDD the Elder of Thoralby in the parish of Aisgarth in the county of York yeoman being of sound mind, memory and understanding do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say I give devisee and bequeath all my messuages[1], Lands, Tenements, Allotments and Real Estates whatsoever and whosoever unto my son Robert MUDD to hold the same unto the said Robert MUDD his heirs and assigns forever charged and chargeable nevertheless with the payment of the following annuity or rent, charge and legacies or sums of money hereinafter mentioned that is to say with the payment of the annuity, rent, charge or yearly sum of twenty pounds yearly and every year unto my dear wife Martha MUDD for and during the form of her natural life by two equal half yearly payments free from all taxes and charges the first payment thereof to begin and be made within six calendar months next after my decease and in case the said annuity, rent, charge or yearly sum of twenty pounds or any part thereof shall be behind or unpaid by the space of thirty days over or after any or either of the said days of payment (if lawfully demanded) it shall and maybe lawful to and for my dear wife the said Martha MUDD and her assigns into and upon the said messuages, lands, tenements and real estates to enter and distrain and the distress and distresses then and there found to take load, drive, carry away and impound or otherwise to sell and dispose thereof until she or they be fully satisfied and paid such annuity or rent charge and all arrears thereof together with all costs, charges, damages and expenses attending the same. Also further charged and chargeable with the following legacies or sums of money that is to say with the payment of the sum of ninety pounds unto my son William MUDD also with the payment of the sum of sixty pounds apiece unto my daughters Martha the wife of Francis SARGINSON and Elizabeth the wife of Francis HESELTINE all which said legacies or sums of money it is my will and mind shall be paid within twelve calendar months next after the decease of my said dear wife Martha MUDD and also further charged and chargeable with the payment of the sum of eighty pounds unto my son Alexander MUDD which it is my will and mind shall be paid in the following manner that is to say the sum of forty pounds one half part or equal moiety[2] thereof within twelve calendar months next after the decease of my wife the said Martha MUDD and the remaining forty pounds one other equal half part thereof shall be paid to my sons James and William MUDD in trust and to and for the use of the said Alexander MUDD they paying the said Alexander MUDD lawful interest for the said sum of forty pounds whomthosaid last mentioned sum shall be paid to the said Alexander MUDD within five years next after the decease of my said wife Martha MUDD and also further charged and chargeable with the payment of the sum of twenty pounds unto my grandson James MUDD of the said Alexander MUDD when he shall have attained the age of twenty one years --- I also give and bequeath all my household goods and household furniture whatsoever unto my dear wife the said Martha MUDD her executors, administrators and assigns absolutely forever (except my clock and clock case and bed, bedstead and hangings which belonged to my sister Isabella which I do hereby give to my son the said Robert MUDD). And as to all my stock of cattle, sheep, husbandry gear, milking utensils and pans and kettles belonging the use of a Dairy I give and bequeath unto the said Robert MUDD his executors, administrators and assigns absolutely forever and lastly I do hereby nominate, constitute and appoint the said Robert MUDD sole executor of this my last will and testament he paying all my just debts funeral expences and the charges of proving and registering this my will and hereby revoking all former wills by me made I publish and declare this instrument or writing contained in two sheets of paper the first sheet where of is signed with my name and the last sheet where of is signed with my name and sealed with my seal to be my last will and testament this thirteenth day of February in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twelve (13th Feb 1812).

Signed, sealed, published and declared by the said Testator the said James MUDD as and for his last will and testament in


the presence of us who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as






The thirteenth day of November 1813 on which day appeared before me, Robert MUDD the executor within named and


was duly sworn to administer the goods he of the within named James MUDD deceased, and that to the best of his


knowledge and belief they did not amount to two hundred pounds.

West Burton

13th Nov. 1813

Jeff WOODE Surrogate




Original Data: West Yorkshire Wills and Probate. Peculiar of Knaresborough (Honour Court), Wills, Administrations and


Inventories. WYL1012. West Yorkshire Archive Service, Morley, Leeds, England.

West Yorkshire Wills and Probate. Archdeaconry of Richmond: Probate Records. RD/AP1. West Yorkshire Archive Service,


Morley, Leeds, England.

Description: Probate records encompass the administration of an estate and can include a wealth of personal details on the


decedent and other family members. This collection includes indexed images of probates from Yorkshire, England, 1521–




[1] Messuages: a dwelling house with outbuildings and land assigned to its use

[2] Moiety: each of two parts into which a thing is or can be divided

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