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 Bishopdale O.S.

Map 1910

                  The NLS (the National Library of Scotland) have a full collection of Scottish maps,  they do have also                                          several years of (out of copyright) Ordnance Survey six inch and one inch maps covering England.


If you go to the LINKS page on my website it will give you the link to maps that cover Thoralby and other places. You can move around them by grabbing and pulling, zooming in and out. You can even print copies. If you want to explore the full NLS collection click on the NLS link, on my website. 

Below is the O.S. map for Bishopdale from East Howgill to West Howgill (I have had to divide Bishopdale into 3 sections). 

Below is the third and final section, East Howgill to West Howgill (Dale Head). I have underlined all the scattered farms which make up the township of Bishopdale. The farms are: East Howgill, Kidstones and West Howgill (Dale Head). There is an Old Quarrie, and  sveral foot bridges over Bishopdale Beck. In addition there are numerous field barns named.

Click on a map to enlarge it, then click on the two arrows at the top left corner to show the image full-screen size.

East Howgill - West Howgill

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