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Timetables, 1902

Below are copies, courtesy of  North Yorkshire County Record Office, of the Cross Lanes School Timetable in 1902:


The headteacher, Mr James Hill was assisted by Miss Annie Rider, there were 64 children on roll, a Mrs J. Harrison, not on the staff pay roll, or listed as staff also taught the Infants.


School Age Range (5-12 years) :


Senior School Timetable (9-12 years) :

The school day (9 - 4.00) always commenced with Holy Scripture, followed by Registers, and then Arithmetic and Recreation. The remainder of the morning until midday was mainly Reading, Writing and Comprehension. Followed by Swedish Drill and History on Tuesdays. From 12-1.30 children went home for dinner. The afternoons Tables and Registers, followed by Drawing and Needlework, Reading, History, Elem. Science, Copy Books followed by Recreation. The end of the day was Recitation, Elem. Science, Singing and Geography. See a copy of the Senior Timetable for 1902 below.

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Note: Boys do Drawing while Girls do Needlework. Alternative Mondays Drawing will be taken for Girls instead of Needlework. During the months of November, December and January school commences at 1 pm. instead of 1.30 pm.


The time Analysis shows the emphasis on the '3 R's' - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (inc. Tables), with Singing, Drawing and Needlework taking up a fair proportion of the timetable. See the Analysis below.

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Infants Timetable (5-8 years) : 


The school day (9 - 4.00) always commenced with Holy Scripture, followed by Registers, and then Arithmetic, Mental arithmetic, Writing and reading, then Recreation. The remainder of the morning until midday was more of the same, apart from Thursdays and Fridays, when Form and Colour and Object Lessons were included. From 12-1.30 children went home for dinner. The afternoons Tables and Registers, followed by Drawing and Needlework, Writing, Geography, and Kindergarten, followed by Recreation. The end of the day was Reading, Writing, Singing, Object Lessons, Drill, Recitation, and Form and Colour. See a copy of the Infant Timetable for 1902 below.

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Infants time Analysis: 


During the months of November, December and January school commences at 1 pm. instead of 1.30 pm.


The time Analysis once again shows the emphasis on the '3 R's' - Reading, Writing and Arithmetic (inc. Tables), with Needlework taking up a fair proportion of the timetable. See the Analysis below.

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