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Newspaper Extracts - Thoralby 


Yorkshire Gazette – 27th March, 1830



PURSUANT to a Degree of the High Court of Chancery mad in a Cause of CHAPMAN v. TENNANT, with the approbation of the Hon. Robert Henley Eden, one of the Masters of the said Court, at the House of George Calvert, Innkeeper [The George Inn], in Thoralby, in the North-Riding of the County of York, some time in the Month of April, 1830, of which due Notice will be given,


A Freehold MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, and three Closes of Freehold LAND, containing, together nearly four Acres; situate in the Parish of Aisgarth, and Township of Thoralby, in the said North Riding, late the Estate of Mr. Bywell Sadler, deceased; and now in the Occupation of Christopher Tennant [school master at Cross Lanes School].


Particulars may shortly be had gratis at the said Master's Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London; of Mr. TOMLIN, Solicitor, Richmond; of Mr. WILLIS, Solicitor, Thoralby, Yorkshire; and Mr. WILLIAMSON, Solicitor, No. 7, Gray's Inn Square; or Messrs. WILLIS, WATSON, and Co., Token House Yard, Lothbury, London.


Yorkshire Gazette – 26th June, 1830


The Court for Relief of Insolvent Debtors.

The Matters of the Petitions and Schedules of the Prisoners herinafter named (the same having been filed in Court) are appointed to be heard as follows:- At the Court House at Richmond, in the County of York, on the Nineteenth Day of July, 1830, at Ten o'Clock in the Morning precisely.

EDMOND DIXON, (sued along with one JOHN DIXON) late of Bishopdale, in the County of York, Farmer.

JOHN DIXON, (sued along with one EDMOND DIXON) formerly of Scar Top, in Bishopdale, in the County of York, Farmer, and late of Thoralby, in the Parish of Aysgarth, in the said County, Farmer.


1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Prisoner's Discharge Notice of such Intentions must be given to the said Prisoner in Writing, three clear Days before the Day of Hearing, exclusive of Sunday, and exclusive both of the Day of giving such Notice, and of the said Day of Hearing.

2. But in the Case of a Prisoner, whom his Creditors have removed by an Order of the Court, from a Gaol in or near London for Hearing in the Country, such Notice of Opposition will be sufficient if given one clear Day before the Day of Hearing.

3. The Petition and Schedule will be produced by the proper Office for Inspection and Examination at the Office of the Court in London, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, between the Hours of Ten and Four; and copies of the Petition and Schedule, or such Part thereof as shall be required, will be provided by the proper Officer according to the Act 7 Geo. 4 c.57-sec.76,

N.B. Entrance to the Office, in Portugal Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields.

4. The Duplicate of the Petition and Schedule, and all Books, Papers, and Writings filed therewith, will be produced for Inspection and Examination by the Clerk of the Peace, Town Clerk, or other Person with whom the same shall have been directed to be lodged for such purpose, at the Office of such Clerk of the Peace or other Person, and Copies of the Petition and Schedule, or such Part thereof as shall be required, will be there provided according to the Act 7 Geo. 4 c.57-sec.76, or the Act 5 Geo. 4. c. 61. sec. 11 as the case may be.

                                                     JOHN GALSWORTHY, Solicitor,

                                               Cook's Court, Lincoln's Inn, London.

Yorkshire Gazette – 11th September, 1830

LIST (3)

GAMEKEEPERS being Assessed Servants at

£1. 5s. each

... - Sadler Adam, by William Purchas, Esq. for Burton-cum-Walden, Thoralby, and Newbiggin, Aysgarth and Bishopdale; ...

Yorkshire Gazette – 25th September, 1830




In WENSLEYDALE, in the North Riding

of the County of York.

TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, at the House of James Dinsdale, Innholder [New Inn], in Askrigg, on Thursday. the 21st day of October next, at Two o'Clock in the Afternoon.


A Very Compact Freehold Estate, called the Grange Estate, situate near Askrigg, 4 Miles from Hawes, 10 from Leyburn, and 18 from Richmond; comprising a Dwelling-House, and Two good Farm Houses, with Barns, Cowhouses, Stables, and all other requisite Outbuildings, and 72A. 1R. 26P. of Superior Meadow, and Pasture Land, in a Ring Fence, and divided into Fields of a convenient size, bounded by the River Yore on the South, (which affords most excellent Trout Fishing) and the Richmond and Lancaster Turnpike Road in the North; and altogether most desirable as a Grazing or Dairy Farm, and may be confidently recommended.

It will also be very desirable for an Gentleman fond of Field Sports, to make such a Purchase for a Residence, it being situate in a fine Sporting Country, abounding with Game of every description; or a Gentleman an admirer of bold and Romantic Scenery, being situate in the beautiful Vale of Wensleydale, near to the Stupendous and Magnificent Waterfalls of Mill Gill, Hardrow Scarr, and Aisgarth Force, which have been so much and deservedly admired by Travellers.

This Estate formerly belonged to the late John Pratt, Esq., who was so well known on the Turf, and on which all his celebrated Race Horses were bred.

It is reputed to be Tithe Free, in the occupation of the Owner, and only pays small Tithes when let to a Tenant.


Also, a Valuable Freehold Moor Estate, called Dodd. situate in the several Townships of Bainbridge and Hawes, within Two Miles of Hawes, consisting of 1106A. 8P., well Fenced. Any Gentleman partial to Moor Game Shooting, will find this Estate well worth their attention, as it is plentifully stocked with Grouse and other Game; with a small Shooting Box, with every requisite Convenience, built in the centre of the Estate, which the Owner used as a Residence during the first part of the Shooting Season. It is considered as good Breeding Ground as any in the North of England, and in part adjoins the Preserves of his Grace the Duke of Devonshire, and other on the South side thereof.


Also, an Allotment in Waterling Pasture, in the Township of Bainbridge, containing 60A. 1R. 9P. This Allotment also affords good Grouse Shooting. 

At the same Time will be Sold, Two Dwelling Houses in Askrigg, and several Closes or Parcels of Meadow and Pasture Land,

containing 11A. 2R. 10P., situate in the Township of Askrigg aforesaid, and 48 Beast-gaites upon Abbotside Moor, in the Township of Low Abbotside.

The respective Estates may be viewed on application to James Dinsdale, New Inn, Askrigg, and Printed Particulars may be had at the place of Sale; the White Hart, Hawes; the Bolton Arms, Leyburn; the King's Head, Richmond; and further Information may be known on application to Messrs. WILLIS & ROBINSON, Solicitors, Thoralby, where Plans of the Estates may be seen.

  Thoralby 21st September, 1830.

Yorkshire Herald - 9th October,1830



THE Matters of the Petitions and Schedules of the Prisoners herinafter-named (the same having been filed in the Court) are appointed to be heard as follows:

At the Court-House at Richmond, in the County of York, on the 4th Day of November, 1830, at TEN o'Clock in the Morning precisely. 

JOHN DIXON (sued along with Edmund Dixon), formerly of Scar Top, in Bishopdale, in the County of York, Farmer and Cattle Dealer, and late of Thoralby, in the Parish of Aisgarth, in the said County, out of Business.

EDMOND DIXON (sued along with John Dixon), late of Long Rigg, in Bishopdale, in the County of York, Farmer.​ ...

Yorkshire Herald - 13th November,1830




TO BE LET, and entered on at Lady-Day next, or sooner if required, all that convenient and pleasant DWELLING-HOUSE, called WOODHALL, or WOODHALL PARK, in Wensleydale, in the Parish of Aisgarth and County of York, 7 miles from the Market Town of Hawes, about 9 from the Market Town of Leyburn, and adjoins the high road from Richmond to Lancaster, on the north, with a small, neat, and compact FARM, consisting off 77 Acres of LAND, belonging thereto, part thereof in Meadow, part in Pasture and Tillage, within a Ring Fence, and in a high state of Cultivation, having been for a considerable time in the hands of the Owner.

The House contains Breakfast, Dining, and Drawing-Rooms, with six good Lodging-Rooms, Nursery, and Rooms for Servants, Laundry, two Kitchens, Scullery, Store-Rooms, Dairy, two Cellars, Stabling for seven Horses, Double Coach-House, Piggery, and Poultry Houses; with a large productive Garden and Orchard in full bearing, and a Fish-Pond, upon a large scale, well stocked with Fish, with some most beautiful and romantic Walks in and adjoining the Grounds.

This Dwelling-House, Farm, &c., has pretensions beyond the usual description of Farm Residence - it may be properly stiled a superior Pleasure Farm Residence, and of a character not unsuited to the abode of a quiet genteel Family. It is screened from the North by lofty Plantations; and to a Sporting Gentleman it will afford abundant scope for amusement - Grouse and other Game being plentiful in the neighbourhood - a Pack of Hounds are kept within a few miles from the place - and the Estate adjoins the River Yore on the South where there is excellent Trout Fishing.

A  MOOR ALLOTMENT of 47A. 3R. 32P. belonging the Estate, may be taken therewith; and the Owner being about to remove into the South, a part of the Furniture may be had at a valuation, if required.

The Owner will either let the Property from Year to Year, or for 5 or 7 Years, at the option of the taker.

Further Particulars may be known, by applying to C.A. ALDERSON, Esq the Owner, who will show the Estate; or to Messrs. WILLIS and ROBINSON, Solicitors, Thoralby.



Yorkshire Gazette – 26th February, 1831


The THORALBY and BURTON HARRIERS will meet on Tuesday, March 1st, at Thornton Rust; on Thursday, March 3d, at Littleburn [Thoralby]; and on Saturday, March 5th, at Bolton Park: each day at Nine o'clock. ...​​​​​​ 

London Evening Standard – 25th January, 1832




... WILLIS and ROBINSON, Thoralby, Yorkshire, attorneys.

Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser – 4th February, 1832



IF the NEXT of KIN (according to the statutes made for the distribution of Instates' Effects) of RICHARD DIXON, formerly of Thoralby, in the parish of Aisgarth, and county of York, grocer, deceased, who was the great grandfather of Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Bryan Terry, of Thoralby aforesaid, lately deceased, will apply to Mr. HAMMOND, Solicitor, West Burton, near Bedale, Yorkshire, they will hear of something to their advantage.

  West Burton, 28th January, 1832.






Yorkshire Gazette – 11th February, 1832




The THORALBY and BURTON HARRIERS will meet on Monday, Feb 13, at Thoralby; on Thursday, Feb. 16, at Thornton Scarr; and on Saturday, Feb. 18, at Swalefield Plantation; each morning at half-past Nine o’clock.

Yorkshire Gazette – 28th July, 1832




TO BE LET, FOR 1,2, OR 3 years, the MANOR of THORALBY in the North Riding of Yorkshire, consisting of several Moors called Wassett Fell, - Bishopdale Edge, - Gavel, - Walden Moors, - and Harland.

These Moors are well stocked with Game, and are well known as good Shooting Ground as any in Yorkshire.

A deputation will be given by the Lord of the Manor to any Person whom the taker may appoint, if required.

For Particulars apply to WM. PURCHAS, Esq., West Burton, (the Lord of the Manor,) to whom the same belong.

Yorkshire Gazette – 9th February, 1833




The THORALBY and BURTON HARRIERS meet on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at Thoralby Bridge; on Thursday, Feb. 14, at Worton; and on Saturday, Feb 16, at Thoresby; each morning at Nine o'clock.

Bell's Life in London and Sporting Chronicle – 31st March, 1833




... HUNTING FRACAS. - in the beautiful vale of Wensleydale is kept a small pack of hounds, called the "Thoralby and Burton Harriers." When out hunting in the woods, near West Burton, on the 7th inst., they unkennelled a fox, who took to the moors, and ran to Starbotton, in Craven, a distance of about 16 miles. Being closely persued by the hounds, and the villagers having all collected at this unexpected visit, poor Reynard sought shelter in the garden of old Betty Gill, where, being soon followed by hounds and men, he was taken alive, unhurt, by Mr. Robert Lodge, a gentleman in the village - the hounds being so exhausted that they could not worry him, and only seven of them being up, Mr. Lodge took care of the fox, and sent a messenger to inform the gentlemen of the hunt ( as none of them had followed on account of the track that the Reynard had taken) what he had done; and requested that they would take the hounds over Starbotton, and hunt him there, which was compelled with; and Thursday, 14th inst., was fixed, when poor Reynard was turned out in the presence of a large concourse of spectators, who had assembled from the neighbouring villages to see the hunt; and after running about three miles, he was killed. Mr, Lodge then proposed to have a hare hunt, ...


Yorkshire Gazette – 3rd May, 1834




ANY Person who can prove himself or herself to be the Heir-at-Law (on the Mother’s side) of Mrs. ELIZABETH HENLOCK, sometime ago of the City of York, gentle-woman, deceased, and formerly of Thoralby, in the Parish of Aysgarth, in the North-Riding of the County of York, may, by applying to Messrs. SEYMOUR, of York, Solicitors, hear of something to his or her advantage. The said Mrs. Henlock was born at Thoralby, and was the Daughter of Robert Metcalfe, heretofore of that place, by Elizabeth, his Wife, whose Maiden-Name was Markenfield.


Yorkshire Gazette – 31st May, 1834





On Monday week, as a boy of the name of Heseltine, about five years of age, was amusing himself, at Thoralby, by making a bonfire, he incautiously took a piece of lighted wood in his slip, which set his clothes on fire, and he was dreadfully burnt by the accident, that after lingering in much pain till Wednesday following he expired.


[John Heseltine, aged 3 son of Jeffrey and Jane Heseltine.]


Yorkshire Gazette – 27th December, 1834




On Thursday, the 18th inst.,…Same day at Thoralby, in Wensleydale, James Willis, Esq., aged 75, formerly an eminent solicitor in Warnford Court, London.


Yorkshire Gazette – 13th February, 1836




The Thoralby and Burton Harriers - Meet on TUESDAY, Feb 16, at WEST BURTON BRIDGE, at half past TEN, to hunt the Fox; on THURSDAY, Feb. 18, at LITTLEBURN; and on SATURDAY, Feb.20, at AYSGARTH BRIDGE; each morning at NINE.

Yorkshire Gazette – 20th February, 1836





The following Subscriptions have been received by the Trea-

surer of the Richmond Subscription, in addition to those

previously advertised:


Collected by the Rev. Richard Wood, Rev, J. Whaley, Rev. J.

Metcalfe, and Rev. John Winn.

                                                £.  s.  d.


Miss Sadler, Thoralby         0  5  0

... [Total]                               28  1  0

Yorkshire Gazette – 9th April, 1836




... The Grand Jury having retired, - Mr. BLANSHARD applied to the Court ,on behalf of the townships of Bishopdale, Newbiggin, and Thoralby, for to alter the mode of making the estreat upon them. It appeared that each township maintained its own poor, and had its own overseers, but that they had only one constable, and the county-rate was levied in a joint sum upon the whole of the three townships. The inhabitants had met, and agreed upon the proportions to be paid by each township; namely for every £1000 levied, that Bishopdale should pay £1 5s.; Newbiggin, £1 1s.; Thoralby, £1 12s.7d.; making the total of £3 18s. 7d., - which was now levied in one sum. The application to the Court was, that it would confirm this arrangement, and direct the Clerk of the Peace to prepare the estreat accordingly - Motion granted. ...

Yorkshire Gazette – 9th April, 1836




... On Tuesday, the 27th inst., at Aysgarth church, bu the Rev. John Winn, M.A., Vicar, William, eldest son of William Purchas, Esq., of West Burton, to Mary Elizabeth, only daughter of the late James Willis, Esq., of Warnford Cottage, Thoralby and formerly of Warnford Court, London. ...


Yorkshire Gazette – 2nd April, 1836




The THORALBY and BURTON HARRIERS meet, to hunt the fox, on Monday, April 4, at Redmire; and on Saturday, April 9, at West Witton; each morning at Ten o’clock.

Yorkshire Gazette – 16th December, 1837


WHEREAS, by a Decree of the High Court of Chancery, made in a Cause, MATTISON versus TANFIELD, it was referred to NASSAU WILLIAM SENIOR, Esquire, one of the Masters of the said Court, to inquire who were the Next-of-Kin (according to the Statute of Distributions) of RICHARD DIXON, formerly of THORALBY, in the Parish of Aisgarth, in the County of York, Grocer, deceased, living at the time of the decease of BRYAN TERRY, late of Thoralby aforesaid, Gentleman, who died on the Second day of January, 1832,) - and whether Testate or Intestate; and who were or was their, his, or her Heirs or Heir at Law, or Devisees or Devisee. Therefore, all Persons claiming to be such NEXT-OF-KIN of the said RICHARD DIXON, are, by their Solicitors, ON OR BEFORE THE THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF JANUARY NEXT, to come in before the said Master, at his Chambers, in Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane, London, and prove their Kindred; or, in default thereof, they will be peremptorily excluded the benefit of the said Decree.

Yorkshire Gazette – 6th January, 1838




... On Saturday, the 30th ult., at Warnford Cottage, Thoralby, the Lady of Mr. William Purchas, solicitor, of a son. ...

Yorkshire Gazette – 14th April, 1838




... On Wednesday, the 4th inst., aged 52, Mary, relict of the late James Willis, Esq., of Warnford Cottage, Thoralby. ...

Yorkshire Gazette – 23rd June, 1838




... Tuesday last, at the parish church, Bingley, Mr. John Sadler, solicitor, of Thoralby, in the parish of Aysgarth, in this county, to Miss Amelia, fifth daughter of the late Mr. John Sharp, of Bingley, worsted manufacturer. ...

Yorkshire Gazette – 4th August, 1838


WE, the Undersigned, being Titheowners, or duly authorised Agents of Titheowners, within the Township of THORALBY, in the Parish of Aysgarth, in the County of York, , who are entitled to the whole interest in the Tithes of the said Township, do by this Notice in Writing under our Hands, call a TOWNSHIP MEETING of Land owners and Titheowners within the Limits of the said Township, for the purpose of making an Agreement for the General COMMUNICATION of TITHES, within the Limits of the said Township, pursuant to the provisions of an Act passed in the Sixth and Seventh Years of the Reign of his late Majesty, intituled, “An Act for the Communication of the Tithes in England and Wales.”


And we do herby also give Notice, that such Meeting will be held at the house of Mr. George Calvert, Innkeeper, [George Inn] the 22nd Day of August next, at the Hour of FOUR in the Afternoon.


Given under our Hands this 13th Day of July, 1838.


THOS. PEACOCK, Agent for the Master, Fellows,

and Scholars of Trinity College, Cambridge.



Yorkshire Gazette – 11th August, 1838


WE, the Undersigned, being Titheowners, or duly authorised Agents of Titheowners, within the Township of THORALBY, in the Parish of Aysgarth in the County of York, who are entitled to the whole interest in the Tithes of the said Township, do by this Notice in Writing under our Hands, call a TOWNSHIP MEETING of Land owners and Titheowners within the Limits of the said Township, for the purpose of making an Agreement for the General COMMUNICATION of TITHES, within the Limits of the said Township, pursuant to the provisions of an Act passed in the Sixth and Seventh Years of the Reign of his late Majesty, intituled, “An Act for the Communication of the Tithes in England and Wales.”


And we do herby also give Notice, that such Meeting will be held at the House of Mr. GEORGE CALVERT, Innkeeper, [George Inn] in the said Township, on WEDNESDAY, the 22nd Day of August next, at the Hour of Four in the Afternoon.


Given under our Hands this 13th Day of July, 1838.

THOS. PEACOCK, Agent for the Master, Fellows,

and Scholars of Trinity College, Cambridge.



Yorkshire Gazette – 23rd March, 1839






On Friday the 5th Day of April, 1839 at the house of MR. JAMES THWAITES, known by the name of the VOLUNTEER INN, [Now The Grove] in Thoralby, at Two o’Clock in the Afternoon.


The Under-mentioned Valuable FREE-HOLD PROPERTY, situated within the Township of THORALBY, in the Parish of Aysgarth, In the North Riding of the County of York, comprising the following Lots, viz : -


LOT 1.

Five Closes of rich Grass and Arable Land called East Heaning or Heaning Ends, now in the occupation of Mr. Alex. Mudd, containing together a. 23 r.0 p. 0


On this Lot there is a valuable Limestone Quarry, and a newly built Lime-Kiln, which might be worked to great advantage as a Sale Kiln.


LOT 2.

A Close of rich Grass Land, being the South part of Thoralby Haw Allotment, in the occupation of Mr. Jas. Thwaite, containing       a. 3 r. p. 0


LOT 3.

A Close of rich Grass Land, also being the south part of Thoralby Haw Allotment, with the Lane adjoining therto, in the occupation of Mr. Jas. Thwaite, containing a. 3 r. 0 p. 32


Also a small Allotment of Grass Land, adjoin Lot 3, in the occupation of Mr. Alex. Mudd, containing a. 0 r. 0 p. 12


LOT 4.

Three COTTAGES, situated in the Village of Thoralby, in the respective occupations of Christ. Moor, John Pratt, and Robt. Pratt. [Lime Tree House]


LOT 5.

A COTTAGE and STABLE, situated in the Village of Thoralby, in the occupation of Wm. Gill.


For further Particulars apply to Messrs. MILLS & WARE, Land Agents, York; or Mr. BROOK, or Mr. WORMALD, Solicitors, York.

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