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Newspaper Extracts - Thoralby



Northern Echo 31 January 1880



TAKING SALMON OUT OF SEASON. At Leyburn Petty Sessions yesterday, John Ryder, Burton-cum-Walden, was fined £1 0s 6d for catching a salmon in the West Burton Beck on the 25th of December. – Robert Lambert, labourer of Thoralby was fined £1 12s, including costs, for taking a salmon out of Thoralby Beck on the 26th of December.

York Herald 7 February 1880


A POLICEMAN CONVICTED OF SALMON POACHING. – Yesterday Frank Ryder, Edward Johnson, Thomas Johnson and James Leng (policeman) were charged with taking unseasonable salmon out of the West Burton Beck, on the 7th ult. Mr. Winn prosecuted, and Mr. Skidmore, of Darlington, defended. Richard Heseltine, of Thoralby, said he saw Ryder take a salmon out of the beck, the other defendants being with him. Defendants were fined £1 each and costs, which amounted to £6.

Yorkshire Gazette 14 February 1880



Persons of whom the Company or Partnership consists.

Name.               Residence.  Occupation.

Robert Lodge, Bishopdale, gentleman

Thomas Nicholson, Thoralby, grocer

Richmond & Ripon 3 April 1880



Pursuant to the Statute 22nd and 23rd Victoria, chapter

35, intituled "An Act to amend the Law of

Property and to Relieve Trustees,"

NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN, that all persons having any CLAIM or DEMAND upon or against the Estate of JOHN THWAITE, late of Howsike Farm, in the township of Thoralby in the parish of Aysgarth, in the county of York, Farmer, Deceased (who died on the 20th day of MARCH, 1879, Intestate, and Letters of Administration of whose Personal Estate were, on the 22nd day of MAY, 1879, granted to the York District Registry of the Probate Division of Her Majesty's High Court of Justice to HANNAH THWAITE of Howsike Farm aforesaid, widow, the Relict of the said Deceased) are hereby required to send in the particulars of their CLAIMS or DEMANDS to me, the undersigned, at mu office in West Burton, in the County of York, on or before the 30th day of APRIL next, after which time the said Administratrix will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the Claims of which she shall then have had notice, and that she will not be liable for the assets or any part thereof so distributed to any person of whose Claim or Demand she shall not then have had notice.

                       Dated the 31st day of March, 1880.

                                              T.F.R. HAMMOND, 

                                                     West Burton, Bedale,

                                                 Solicitor for the said Administratrix


[John and Hannah Thwaite can be viewed in the 1871 census for Thoralby.] 


Before the Right Hon. Lord Bolton and other magistrates. ... David Bond, schoolmasterThoralby, was charged by Serg., Needham with being drunk on licensed premises on the 13th March, during prohibited hours. James Kitchen, innkeeper of the same place, was charged with having his premises open during prohibited hours. Police Constable Fanthorpe visited the defendant's house on the night of 13th March, and found defendant and fifteen other men who were drinking. He drew the landlord's attention to them, when he said they were travellers. At the time most of the other men left the house. The defendant Bond was the only person he knew. The defence was that there had been a concert at Thoralby, and the defendant Bond, who was secretary to the concert, was with some friends in Fawcitt's house at the time the constable was called. They were fined 12s. and 6d. each.

[The Dales Volunteer Inn can be viewed in the 1861 census for Thoralby.] 


York Herald – 10 July 1880


SADLER. June 30th, ages 62, Amelia, widow of the late John Sadler, of High Green House, Thoralby, Bishopdale.

Richmond & Ripon 11 September 1880


NOTICE IS HERBY GIVEN, that all PERSONS having any CLAIM or DEMAND upon or against the ESTATE of THOMAS LAMBERT, late of the Riddings, near Thoralby, in the Parish of Aysgarth, in the County of York, farmer, deceased, who died on the 18th day of August, 1880, are required to send in particulars of their Claims or Demands to me, the undersigned, without delay. And all persons INDEBTED to the Estate of the said Deceased are required to pay the amounts of their respective Debts to me forwith. 

                                      Dated the 8th day of September, 1880.

                                              T.F.R. HAMMOND, 

                                                     West Burton, Bedale,

                                                 Solicitor for the Executors of the said Deceased.

[The location of Riddings Farm, Thoralby can be viewed on the O.S. map for Thoralby]

Karesborough Post – 30 October 1880


A WENSLEYDALE FARMER IN AMERICA. - With pleasure we learn that Mr. John H. Willis, son of the late Mr. John Willis, blacksmith and farmer, formerly of Thoralby, Wensleydale, an enterprising young man, who some years ago left his native home for the great Continent of America, therby giving him a wider field of work as a farmer and cattle breeder, so far has been very successful. He has taken the first prize and also the best special prize with his celebrated short-horned bull, at the exhibition and fair of cattle shown at Crete, Saline County, Nebraska,. The above animal, we have reason to believe, is of the far-famed Carperby herd, the members of which have not been counted unworthy of royalty.


[John Harker Willis (1831-1920), emigrated to the USA in 1866, a land record in Omaha states that in 1868 he was granted 162 acres. He married Ellen C. A. Argles  and they had two children: Ernest E Willis (1889-1948) and Percy H Willis (1895-1897)].

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 22 January 1881


J[.ohn] Sayer the elder, J[.ohn] Sayer the younger, G[.eorge] Sayer, & F[.rancis] Sayer, Thoralby, Yorkshire, corn millers.

Richmond & Ripon 19 February 1881



TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, BY MR. J. H. PEVELER, on MONDAY, FEB. 28th, at ONE o'clock precisely (for cash), about 350 Yards of HAY, and 150 Acres of MEADOW and PASTURE EATAGE up to the 30th March next.


York Herald – 1 March 1881

Local and District



On Saturday, before Mr. Turner, Judge, Hannah Ratcliffe, widow of Thomas Ratcliffe, cattle dealer, Northallerton, sued Richard Heseltine, butter dealer, of Thoralby, near Hawes, for £7 7s. 10d., balance of a stack of hay sold to him. Mr. J.I. Jefferson, Northallerton, was for plaintiff, and Mr. J.W. Teal, Leyburn for defendant. Plaintiffs case was that the defendant bought a stack of hay at £3 17s. 6d, per ton. After about five tons had been delivered defendant said he required no more. Defendant had paid for what he got except a balance of 11s, and plaintiff had sold the remainder of the stack at 15s per ton less than defendant had agreed to pay. Plaintiff’s claim was for the difference between the auction sale and what defendant offered to give. Defendant said he had only bought part of the stack. His honour gave a verdict for the amount claimed, with costs…

Richmond & Ripon 5 March 1881



During the present season, owing to the continued severe weather, the hounds have scarcely been able to hunt at all, but on Saturday, the 19th inst., one of the best huts was experienced for a long time was enjoyed. A fox was turned down at West Burton, and after measuring the field in which it was turned down on three sides, took away into Waldendale, where it suddenly turned to the right over "the top" to Newbiggin, in Bishopdale. Again turning to the right and skirting along the high side of this village it came down to West Burton, and most probably would have made for Pen Hill, but for being turned to the right once more. The vixen followed the stream for miles up Walden Beck, and after a run of an hour and a quarter found shelter in a hen-house-being hard pressed by the hounds-belonging to Mr. William Heseltine, a farmer in Walden. Here the fox was secured, bagged, and carried back to West Burton. After an hour's rest reynard was again turned down and made another sharp run of 20 minutes' duration, when the hounds ran fairly into their game and between they the villages of Aysgarth and Thoralby. The day will not soon be forgotten by many, and thanks are due to those who provided a good day's sport. 


York Herald – 26 March 1881






On Saturday, before Mr. Turner, Judge Hannah Ratcliffe, widow of Thomas Ratcliffe, cattle dealer, Northallerton, sued Richard Heseltine, butter dealer, of Thoralby, near Hawes, for £7 7s. 10d, balance of a stack of hay sold to him, Mr. J. P. Jefferson, Northallerton, was for plantiff, and Mr. W. Teal, Leyburn, for defendant. Plantiff’s case was that defendant bought a stack of hay at £3 17s. 6d. per ton. After about five tons had been delivered defendant said he required no more. Defendant had paid for what he had got except a balance of 11s, and plaintiff had sold the remainder of the stack at 15s. per ton less than defendant had agreed to pay. Plaintiff’s claim was for the difference between the auction sale and what defendant offered to give. Defendant said he had only bought part of the stack. His honour gave a verdict for the amount claimed, with costs. ... 

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer 29 March 1881


LEYBURN. – The following have been appointed as overseers for the Division of Hang West. …

Bishopdale – Rowland Fawcett and John Metcalfe.

Newbiggin – William Pinchas Fryer and Henry Bushby.

ThoralbyRobert Fawcitt and Richard Routh.

Richmond & Ripon 27 August 1881



The twelfth annual show of this society was held at Richmond on Tuesday, in some fields at the north end of the town, just below the barracks. ... SPECIAL PRIZES. - ... Specimen of new milk cheese, to consist of not less than three cheeses, the produce of one dairy, ...: 2, W [illiam]. Robinson, Heaming [Heaning], Thoralby, Bedale.

[William Robinson, farmer, can be seen living at the Heaning Hall, Thoralby in the 1881 Census].


York Herald – 17 December 1881


Local and District




Yesterday, Christopher Hutchinson, of West Hartlepool, and Francis Heseltine, of Thoralby, were charged with damaging a holly tree, on the estate of Mr. Mark Wyville, by cutting a quantity of holly for decoration purposes. The damage was computed at £1. The defendant was fined 19s. 6d., including costs, and damage.

York Herald 19 December 1881





... Since the close of the rod fishing Captain Chapman informs me that vast numbers of salmon are running up Coverdale and Thoralby Becks. I have therefore at his instigation had an experience watcher sent into the neighbourhood, and he has already made a successful capture of two or three poachers, the particulars of which have not reached me. 


Yorkshire Gazette – 5 January 1882





The business of the Sessions was resumed yesterday morning at the Court-house, Northallerton …




Mr. E.C. Chester, Northallerton, bank agent (Foreman).

Mr. J. Armstrong, Northallerton, commercial traveller.

Mr. T. Brown, Stainton, gentleman.

Mr. W.A. Binning, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. J.L. Brodrick, Hawes, land agent.

Mr. Wm. Bell, Northallerton, architect.

Mr. J. Beetham, West Harlsey, farmer.

Mr. G. Clark, Thrintoft, farmer.

Mr. T.H. Dunn, Seamer, farmer.

Mr. W.N. Haigh, Scalby, gentleman.

Mr. J.Hopper, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. H. Jackson, Seamer, farmer.

Mr. L. Jaques, [jun.] Thoralby, farmer.

Mr. C. Lancaster, East Witton Without, farmer.

Mr. Wm. Oliver, Thrintoft, farmer.

Mr. Wm. Plaxton, Ruston, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. J.W. Smith, Hawes, gentleman.

Mr. J. Thompson, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. J. Trotter, Gale Bank, Wensley, farmer.

Mr. J. Thomas, North Otterington, farmer.

Mr. G. Turner, Long Lands, Romanby, farmer.

Mr. J. York, Little Sneaton, gentleman.

Yorkshire Gazette – 7 January 1882





On Tuesday, at eleven o’clock the Epiphany Session for this riding were opened at the Court House, Northallerton …




Mr. E. C. Chester, Northallerton, bank agent (foreman).

Mr. J. Armstron, Northallerton, commercial traveller.

Mr. T. Brown, Snaiton, gentleman.

Mr. W.A. Binning, Sherburn, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. J.L. Broderick, Hawes, land agent.

Mr. Wm. Bell, Northallerton, architect.

Mr. J. Beetham, West Harley, farmer.

Mr. G. Clark, Thrintoft Park, Thrintoft, farmer.

Mr. T.H. Dunn, Seamer, farmer.

Mr. W. H. Haigh, Scalby, gentleman.

Mr. G. Hampton, Scalby, land agent.

Mr. J. Hopper, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. H. Jackson, Seamer, farmer.

Mr. L. Jaques, [jun.] Thoralby, farmer.

Mr. C. Lancaster, East Witton Without, farmer.

Mr. Wm. Oliver, Thrintoft, farmer.

Mr. Wm. Plaxton, Ruston, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. J. W. Smith, Hawes, gentleman.

Mr. J. Thompson, Ruston, Wykeham, farmer.

Mr. J. Trotter, Gale Bank, Wensley, farmer.

Mt. Thomas, North Otterington, farmer.

Mr. G. Turner, Longlands, Romanby, farmer.

Mr. J. York, Little Smeaton, gentleman.


York Herald – 25 February 1882


Local and District




Yesterday, before Lord Bolton and other magistrates, Wm. McMullen, apprentice to John Drislane, horse trainer, Middleham, was charged with leaving his employment in December. Mr. Teale, of Leyburn, was for the complainant, and Waistell, of Northallerton, for defendant. Ordered to return, and pay costs and damages. – James Little, of Askrigg, was fined £1 8s., including costs, for assaulting John Anthony Webster. – Richard Heseltine, innkeeper, [George Inn] Thoralby, was fined £1 14s., including costs, for refusing to admit the police. – John Brown, farmer, of Hauxwell, was fined “2 18s. for trespassing in pursuit of game, at Hauxwell. Mr. Teale, Leyburn, supported the summons. – William Thwaites, alias Baker, of West Burton, was charged with taking salmon out of season, on the 4th Feb. Mr. Winn, of Askrigg, appeared for the Yorkshire Fishery Board, Defendant was met on the road between West Burton and Aysgarth Station by P.C. Haley carrying a carpet bag, in which were two salmon, newly killed. Defendant, who did not appear, was fined £5 11s., including costs.- William Hammel, of Thoralby, was charged by the Yorkshire Fishery Board with using a gaff for killing salmon in the Ure on the 10th January, Mr. Winn again represented the Board. Fined £1 10s., including costs. – John Kelly, a tramp, was charged with stealing 2s. 6d. from F.W. Beetham on the 21st inst. Prosecutor went into the Post-office to get half-a-crown changed. He placed the coin on the counter, whence prisoner contrived to steal it. On being searched soon after, however, nothing was found on him, but next morning, on leaving the Workhouse, he was watched by Superintendent Nicholson, who saw him take something from a wall a short distance from Leyburn. On searching him he found the half-crown. Sent to prison for 21 days with hard labour.

Leeds Mercury – 25 March 1882


Advertisements and Notices.

TO LET, in Wensleydale, HEANING HOUSE, containing, dining, drawing, and five rooms, kitchens, cellars, and gardens. Rent £20. Address H. Reed, Esq., Thoralby, Bedale. G 4075

Northern Echo – 4 April 1882


Appointment of Overseers.


Bishopdale - William Bushby and Matthias Dixon ...

Newbiggin - James Dent and John Lambert ...

Thoralby - John Fawcett and Thomas Fawcett ...

Richmond & Ripon 7 April 1883


... Bishopdale - John Fawcett and William Heseltine ...

Newbiggin - George Dent and John Lambert ...

Thoralby - Thomas Scott and John Sayer ...

[Thomas Scott, farmer, and John Sayercorn miller and farmer can be viewed in Thoralby in the 1881 Census].

York Herald 26 May 1883


OFFENCES AGAINST THE CONTAGIOUS DISEASES (ANIMALS) ACT. - ... North Riding without having a license, Michael Webster, farmer of Thoralby, was fined £1 1s. 6d. for removing a calf from Buckton [Buckden], in the West Riding. to Thoralby, without a license.

[Michael Webster, farmer and grocer, can be viewed in Thoralby in the 1881 Census].






Yorkshire Gazette – 7 July 1883




On Monday evening, as Mr. John Fawcett, of Thoralby, was returning home from Askrigg Moor fair, along with other three persons, he was thrown out of a trap, and his head came in violent contact with the iron step, from which he received injuries which proved fatal. It appears that the trap was stopped near to a farm house, called “Throstle Nest,” in order to allow two of the party to get out, and deceased was in the act of stepping over the front seat from the back one he had hitherto occupied, and, losing his balance, fell head foremost, but was prevented from going any further by the other person seizing him by the leg. He was carried to the George and Dragon Inn, Aysgarth, where he lingered on until Wednesday. Deceased was 25 years of age.

[John Fawcett, carpenter, living at the Volunteer Inn,  can be viewed in Thoralby in the 1881 Census].

Leeds Mercury 19 November 1883



A Parliamentary notice has just been issued ... with reference to what was the Skipton and Kettlewell Railway ... The railway will commence in the township of Threshfield, in the parish of Linton, in the West Riding of York, ... and terminating by a junction with the North-Eastern Railway (Leyburn and Hawes Extension) at a point distant 8½ chains or thereabouts, measured in a straight line in a westerly direction from the south-western corner of the Aysgarth station building on that railway, which said intended railway will pass from in through, or into the following parishes, townships, or places, or some of them, that is to say: - Threshfield, Linton, Burnsall, Conistone, Kilnsey, Conistone-with-Kilnsey, Kettlewell-with-Starbottom, Arncliffe, Buckden, Cray and Humberholme, all in the West Riding of the County of York: and Kidstones (otherwise Kidstones Bank), Bishopdale, Thoralby, Newbiggin, West Burton, Burton-cum-Walden, Aysgarth, Wensleydale, Carperby, and Carperby-cum-Thoresby, all in the North Riding of the county of York.

[Numerous railway plans were created to connect Thresfield in West Yorkshire with Aysgarth in North Yorkshire. The most ambitious of these included a tunnel through Kidstones and a viaduct across the falls at Aysgarth. Needles to say none of these plans were ever made good, not least because of the expense and the destruction of the beauty of the falls at Aysgarth.]

Richmond & Ripon 1 December 1883


WEST BURTON ELEVEN v. THORALBY TWELVE. Played at Thoralby on Monday, and resulted in a victory for the visitors by three goals to two. Teams : - 

WEST BURTON. - Weherall (capt), goal; Whitwell and F. Rider, backs, Shields and Pratt, half-backs; J. Rider, Hemsley, Ridsdale, Kettlewell, Biker, and Dowson, forwards.

THORALBY. - Scott, goal; Heseltine and J.[ohn] Hemsley, backs; Tate and Lambert, half-backs; F. [rancis] Furnish, Fawcett, Hemsley, Webster, Sadler, Dinsdale, and J. Furnish. forwards.

[The names for the Thoralby team can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]





York Herald – 29 December 1883

Local and District



Yesterday, before Lord Bolton and other magistrates, James Willis, of Thoralby, charged James Coates, of the same place, with unlawfully taking a salmon from Thoralby Beck on the 2nd inst. Mr. W.E.M. Winn, of Askrigg, appeared for the Yorks. Fishery Board. Defendant did not appear, and was fined £3 12s. including costs.- James Coates was also fined £1 15s, for using a gaff for the purpose of taking salmon in Thoralby Beck on the 6th Dec; and Francis Lambert, of Thoralby was fined £1 4s. for aiding and abetting in that offence. – John Ryder of West Burton, farmer’s son, was fined £3 4s. 6d., including costs, for taking an unseasonable salmon from Ashington Beck on the same 8th inst.

Richmond & Ripon 5 January 1884


SALMON POACHING. - At the petty sessions, on Friday - before Lord Bolton and other magistrates - James Coates, labourer, of Thoralby, was fined £3 12 s., including costs, for taking salmon out of Thoralby Beck on the 2nd December. He was also fined £1 15s. including costs, for using a gaff on the 6th December. Francis Lambert was fined £1 4s., including costs, for aiding and abetting the last defendant in taking salmon. 




Yorkshire Gazette- 5 April 1884





Abbotside High, John Sedgwick and Anthony Johnson; Abbotside Low, Clement Thompson and Geo. Scarr, jun.; Akebar Jas. Thompson; Arrathorne, Joseph Addison Parlour and Robt.Trotter; Askrigg. Miles Little and Robt. Mason; Aysgarth, Thos. Baynes and Jas. Thompson; Bainbridge, John Close and Jas. Kirkbride; Barden, Jas. Taylor and Jos Hutchinson; Bellerby, Wm. Brown and Jos. Pearson; Bishopdale, Wm. Dent and Thos. Lambert; Burton-cum-Walden, Wm. Metcalfe and C. Matson; Burton Constable, John Ake and David Ake; Bolton Castle, Henry Mason and Philip Dinsdale; Calbridge, John Falshaw and Matthew Harrison; Carlton Town, Henry Harrisob and Jas. Walls; Carlton Highdale, Joseph Rider and Christopher Watson; Carperby, James Pickard and Thos. Scott; Coverham, Matthew Watson and R. Brown; Downholme, Thos. Brown and Jas. Russell; Ellerton, R. Nelson and Robt. Hird; Finghall, Francis Dennison and Wm. Suffield; Gariston, J. Siddle and J. Burnett, Grinton, Mark Kendall; Harmbt, Matthew Dobson Peacock and Wm. Pattison; Hauxwell East, Francis P. Slater and Jas. Bowe; Hauxwell West, Martin Robinson; Hawes, Wm. Alderson and J. Metcalfe; Hunton, Jno. Atkinson and Wm. Waller; Leyburn, Wm. H. Horn and Anthony Urwin; Melmerby, Matthew Watson and Richard Simpson; Middleham, C. Clarkson and Geo. Blades; Newbiggin, Richard L. Dent and J. Lambert; Preston, Jeremiah Horn and Wm. Robinson ; Redmire, J. Dinsdale and J.S. Calvert; Srafton West, J. Horner and Tristram Hogg; Spennithorne, G. Langstaff, sen., and G. Barker; Stainton, Robt. Deacon and Jas. Wilson; Thoralby, Thos. Fawcett and Wm. Metcalfe; Thornton Steward, J. Robson and H. Waddington; Thornton Rust, Jeremiah Richardson and Simon Hunter; Wensley, Thos. Glew and Jonathon Robinson; Witton East (Within), J. Croft sen., F. Croft Barker; Witton East (Without), Wm. Vayro and Wm. Thompson; Walburn, H. Storey and G. Spence; West Witton, J. Rodwell and T. Brown.  

Leeds Times 19 July 1884

ANOTHER SEVERE THUNDER STORM occurred on Sunday, … A farm belonging to Mr. Carver at Thoralby, was unroofed, and clover and haystacks were swept away. 




Karesborough Post – 16 August 1884


THUNDERSTORMS. - Considerable damage has been done in the neighbourhood by violent thunderstorms of the past week. A cow belonging to a poor widow of the name of Scott, at Thoralby, on Sunday afternoon, was struck by lightning, and on Tuesday morning a horse was killed by the same cause near Hawes Junction, belonging to Mr. William Metcalfe, of Moor Cock Inn.

[Jane Scott, Cote Bottom Farm, Thoralby].







Yorkshire Gazette – 29 November 1884

Local News



Yesterday, before Lord Bolton and other magistrates, for youths, hailing from Middleham, were charged by Elizabeth Cooper, domestic servant, of the same place, with assaulting her on the 9th November. The complainant was returning from Divine worship, when the defendants came up to her and made remarks that she did not notice. Then they took hold of her and assaulted her. They were fined 10s. each. – Richard Heseltine, innkeeper [George Inn] of Thoralby, was charged by Supt. Nicholson with permitting gaming on licensed premises, on the 5th November. Mr. Teale, solicitor, of Leyburn, appeared for defendant. Defendant had a booth on Middleham Moor at the annual fair. Sergeant Pinkney, stationed at Middleham, proceeded to the Moor and entered the defendant’s booth, and he there found four men playing “Nap” for money. He informed them that they were doing an illegal act, took possession of the cards, and reported the case to his superior officer. The defendant was fined £1 1s., including costs. – Margaret Heseltine, innkeeper, of Bainbridge, was charged by Superintendent Nicholson with selling liquors during prohibited hours on the morning of the 6th November. Police-sergeant Pinkney. On the morning of that day, whilst doing his rounds on Middleham Moor, found some parties in the defendants booth drinking after closing hours. The defendant was fined £1 15s., including costs. An attendance order was made against Ralph Hopps, of Bellerby, for neglecting to send his children to school.

Richmond & Ripon 18 April 1885


LEYBURN. - The following is a list of the overseers appointed for the several township in the Petty Sessional Division of Hang West: - 

... Bishopdale, Rowland Fawcett and Richard Dixon ...

Newbiggin, Robert Fawcett and Jeremiah Metcalfe ...

Thoralby, Thomas Fawcett and William Metcalfe ...

[Thomas Fawcett, joint farmer and William Metcalfe, general labourer, can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]

Richmond & Ripon 4 July 1885


SWINE FEVER. - The several premises in the occupation of ... Ellen Calvert, of Thoralby, which were respectively declared to infected with swine fever on the 26th May, has been declared to be free from the disease.

[Ellenor Calvert, provision dealer, can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]

Richmond & Ripon 5 September 1885

LEYBURN. The annual Brewster Sessions of the Petty Sessional Division of Hang West were held at the Town Hall, Leyburn ... Superintendent Nicholson's reports show the number of full licensed housed in the division to be 64. 3 beerhouse licenses for consumption off the premises, and two sweet licensees, making 69 now in force. The population of the division is 13 133 - there is therefor one licensed house to about 190 of the inhabitants. During the past year two innkeepers have been proceeded for offences against their licenses, viz: November 28th, 1884. R. [ichardHesletine, of the George Inn, Thoralby, for permitting gambling in a booth on Middleham Moor. Fined 5s. and 16s. costs. November 28th, 1883. ... Six alehouse licenses have been transferred during the year. William Heseltine, of Thoralby, applied to have the license now held by Richard Heseltine, of the George Inn, Thoralby, transferred to him. The application was granted.

[Richard Heseltine, innkeeper, can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]

Richmond & Ripon 17 April 1886



ELECTION OF GUARDIANS. - The following is a list of guardians elected to serve in the various townships which comprise Aysgarth Union: - 

... Bishopdale, Mr. J.W. Lodge ...

Newbiggin, Mr Joh Sayer, junior ...

Thoralby, Mr. Leonard Jaques ...

[Leonard Jaques, farmer, can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer – 19 August 1886



... To erect a suitable reredos worthy of the rest of the church, and to make other improvements, such as a door into the vestry from without, and possibly a tower arch, £300 is urgently required. Such is the why and wherefore of the bazaar, and the elaborate ceremonies connected with it.

The opening ceremony took place in the Schoolroom at half-past twelve o'clock, when among the company present were ... Mr R. Lodge (Bishopdale), ... Mr R. Sadler (Southport), the Misses Sadler (Thoralby), ...

... Great interest was excited by the procession of the Heather Queen (Miss Ina Winn) and the ceremonies attendant upon the coronation, to witness which an adjournment was made immediately after the opening in the schoolroom to an adjoining field, where the committee had the use of a large marquee lent by Mr. G.W. Elliott, M.P. ...




Hartlepool Northern Daily Mail – 25 September 1886


Yesterday, whilst a servant girl was taking down the shutters of the shop of Mr. F. Kitson, hairdresser, Harrogate, a man called and said he wanted a shave, and wished to catch the seven o'clock train. The girl went to call someone up and when she returned saw the man standing before a looking-glass cutting his throat. A man named Hill Hill rushed into the shop and Dr. Ward was sent for, bur before he arrived the man, who is supposed to have been a farmer of Thoralby, Wensleydale was dead.

[The man was Thomas Sadler, landowner and farmer from Thoralby and can be viewed in the 1881 census for Thoralby.]

Pately Bridge & Nidderdale Herald – 16 October 1886


ALL Persons having any CLAIM against MR. THOMAS SADLER, late of Thoralby, near West Burton, Wensleydale, yeoman, who died at Harrogate, on the 24th September last are requested to forthwith send particulars thereof to  

                                                             A. MALCOLM BATESON,



Richmond & Ripon 1 January 1887



WESLEYAN QUARTERLY MEETING. - The usual quarterly meeting of the Middleham Circuit was held on Monday at Preston, the Rev. Jabez Chambers, of Middleham, presiding over a good attendance. Permission was given to Thoralby friends to erect a new chapel

Richmond & Ripon 15 January 1887



... WESLEYAN TEA FESTIVAL AND SERVICE OF SONG AT THORALBY. - On Wednesday last a public tea was given in the Cross Lanes schoolroom, Thoralby, and to which a good number sat down. In the evening a service of song was given, entitled "John Ashworth," by the West Burton Wesleyan Choir and other friends. The connective readings were read by Mr. A. Harker, of Carperby. The proceeds were for the funds of the chapel.

Knaresbrough Post 22 January 1887

LEYBURN COUNTY COURT. - On Thursday, before Judge Turner, ... - Abram James, farmer, West Witton, sued Jeffrey Heseltine, horse and cattle dealer, Thoralby, for £10 damages, for a cow purchased from defendant, and represented as sound and healthy, and which turned out to be affected with chronic diarrhea. Verdict for plaintiff to full amount.

Richmond & Ripon 26 March 1887



TOWNSHIP MEETING. - At the annual meeting of the township of Thoralby, held at the George Inn, the ordinary business was proceeded with, and a discussion was commenced re the repair of a bye-lane, but no decision was arrived at. The following officers were re-elected: Guardian, Mr L. Jaques; waywarden, Mr M. Heseltine; overseers, Messrs Thos Fawcett and W. Metcalfe.

QUEEN'S JUBILEE. - A meeting to discus the jubilee proposals has been unavoidably postponed. 

Bristol Mercury - Wednesday 30 March 1887



... Jeffrey Heseltine, Thoralby, Aysgarth, Yorkshire, farmer and cheese factor ...


Richmond & Ripon 2 April 1887




... Bishopdale, M. Dixon and W. Bushby ...

Newbiggin, R. Fawcett and L. Metcalfe ...

Thoralby, T. Fawcett and T. Metcalfe ...

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer - Wednesday 06 April 1887


... There have been no cases of pleuro-pneumonia reported. During the quarter 113 sheep had been reported as affected with sheep scab, 3 had died, 35 recovered, and 75 remained under treatment. During the same period 106 pigs had been affected with swine fever, 100 killed under orders, and 6 had died. At present there were six infected places in the Riding, viz., Malton, Seamer near Scarborough, Heworth near York, Thoralby near Redmire, Ormesby and Marton near Middlesbeough.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer - Friday 29 July 1887


WANTED, for the Cross Lanes School, Thoralby, Bedale, a Certified MASTER with the necessary tesstimonials.- Address to the Cross Lanes School Committee, Thoralby.

Richmond & Ripon 9 April 1887



THE JUBILEE. The scheme for the celebrations of the Jubilee, as reported in our column last week, is making good progress. On Saturday the old buildings were measured, &c., and this week the same are being pulled down, and most of the young people assisting gratuitously. 

JUBILEE. - A meeting was held on Monday, at the Volunteer Hotel, to take into consideration the erection of a reading room and library for the benefit of the inhabitants of Thoralby and district, in commemoration of the Queen's Jubilee. The meeting was presided over by Mr. R. Lodge, J.P., The Rookery, who generously headed the subscription list with £50 [equivalent of £6600 today], and said he had received subscriptions amounting to £20, also a free gift of the site and stones for building from Rev. Ottiwell Sadler, of Taunton. There was a good attendance, and a committee was appointed to carry out the work. 


York Herald – 14 April 1887





At Wensley vestry meeting yesterday, the Hon. and Rev. T.O. Powlett presided. The following were re-elected:- Wensley, Mr. Wyse; Leyburn, Mr. Raw; Preston, Mr. Willis. At Aysgarth, last night, the following were elected churchwardens for the several townships:- Aysgarth, W.H. Tomlinson; Thornton Rust, Captain Chapman; West Burton, J.C. Winn; Carperby, W. Bell; Newbiggin, R. Thwaite; Bishopdale, R. Lodge; Thoralby, L. Jaques. At Middleham, last night, Mr. Thos. E. Swale and S. Croft were re-elected churchwardens. At Bellerby, Mr. R. Campbell and Mr. Broadley were re-elected wardens.

York Herald – 26 April 1887




Yesterday, at the Court-house, Northallerton, the public examination of four bankrupts took place before Mr. W. T. Jefferson, Registrar… Re Jeffrey Heseltine, of Thoralby, in the parish of Aysgarth, farmer and cheese factor. The evidence taken last examination having been signed by the bankrupt as correct, his examination was closed.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle 11 June 1887



THE JUBILEE READING ROOM. An interesting ceremony took place at this village on the 23rd of May, it being the laying of the memorial stone of the reading room in course of erection to commemorate the completion of the 50th year of Her Majesty's reign. The site on which the building is to stand is the old blacksmith's shop, at the entrance to the village, and, until recently, in the occupation of Messrs. M.[atthewWillis and Son. This piece of ground, with the material, stone. &c., upon it, has been presented to the inhabitants of Thoralby by Rev. Ottiwell Sadler, of Taunton. Mr. R. Lodge, of the Rookery, has also manifested great activity in the movement, and mainly through his endeavours, the site was secured, whilst most of the money required for the building was either subscribed or collected by the family. A large company gathered together to witness the ceremony. Mr. J.[ohn] Sawyer [Sayer], on behalf of the committee, invited Miss Lodge to lay the stone, at the same time presenting her with an elegant silver trowel and polished walnut mallet, the trowel bearing the following inscription: - "Presented to Miss Lodge, the Rookery, Bishopdale, on the occasion of the laying of the memorial stone of the Jubilee Reading Room. Thoralby, May 23rd. 1887." Miss Lodge, after the usual formalities, and admits loud cheers, declared the stone well and truly laid, and expressed the pleasure it gave her to take part in such a movement. She hoped the reading room would be the means of much good to the inhabitants of the neighbourhood. After a few words from Mr. Sawyer [Sayer], in which he tendered the thanks of the committee to Miss Lodge for kindness displayed by her in consenting to officiate at the ceremony, the company repaired to the long room of the George Inn, where a sumptuous repast had been provided, free of charge by the Misses Lodge [Alice and Isabella]. The walls and tables of the room had been artistically decorated with flowers and greens by the young ladies of the village earlier in the day. After the wants of the guests had been satisfied, addresses were delivered by the Rev. F.W. Stowe, Mr. J.C. Winn, and Mr. R. Lodge. All the speakers expressed the pleasure it gave them to take part in the day. The company then separated.

Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intelligencer  – 29 July 1887




WANTED, for the Cross Lanes School, Thoralby, Bedale, a Certified MASTER withe the necessary testimonials. Address to the Cross Lanes School Committee, Thoralby.

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle - Saturday 08 October 1887


FEAST AND SPORTS. - On Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, the annual feast was held in this village. There were the usual accompaniments, viz., wooden circuses (this year carried by steam power, swing boats, portrait galleries, &c. The principal attraction was, of course, the sports, of which we give the principal results: Monday: Trotting. one mile, in heats, J. Gill's Star, Askrigg; 2, W. Kilburn's Maltby, Carperby. High leap, H. Wetherell and J. Mason divided. Three long leaps, Fawcett, Bishopdale, 2 and 3, Masterman, Middleham, ad Mason, Aysgarth, divided. 250 yards handicap race, Dinsdale, Thoralby, 2, H. Wetherell. Quoiting, T. Spence, West Witton, 2, J. Thompson, Aysgarth. 100 yards handicap race, R. Dinsdale, Redmire, 2, F. Spence, West Witton, 3, F. Graham. Tuesday: 150 yards handicap race, Hemsley, 2, Wetherell, 3, Masterman. 100 yards flat race, G. Tate, 2, J, Mason, 3, Thompson.


Yorkshire Gazette – 4 February 1888





On Friday evening a large company assembled to hear as advertised a lecture on America, by the Rev. R. J. Hill, Vicar of Salton. The lecture was introduced by the Rev. T.W. Stow. Songs were given at intervals by Mr. Stow and others.


[Stephen Dinsdale, native of Thoralby b. 1812 at High Green Farm, son of John Dinsdale and Elizabeth Fawcett, had emigrated to America in 1839 and he still had family living in and around Thoralby].

York Herald – 5 April 1888





The annual meeting was held on Monday night, the Vicar (Rev. F.C. Stow) in the chair. The following churchwardens were elected: - Aysgarth, W.H. Tomlinson; West Burton, J.C. Winn; Thoralby, L. Jaques; Newbiggin, R. Thwaite; Carperby, W. Bell.

York Herald – 14 July 1888





A NEW WESLEYAN CHAPEL FOR THORALBY. - Wesleyanism has received an impetus in the village of Thoralby, near Aysgarth, as the attendance at the existing chapel has increased so much of late to make it desirable to build a new chapel. The trustees have had a very handsome offer made they by Mr. Robert Sadler, of Southport, a native of Thoralby, of a most eligible site on which to build a new chapel, and his offer to take as much land as is required has been accepted. A committee has been formed to build a new chapel upon the site which has been presented to them.

York Herald - Thursday 16 August 1888



WESLEYAN CHORAL FESTIVAL AT MIDDLEHAM. Yesterday the first Wesleyan choral union in connection with the Middleham Wesleyan Circuit took place in the Wesleyan Chapel Middleham. The following choirs took part in the union: - Middleham, West Whitton, Preston, and Thoralby. There were about fifty voices present - this number being very much short of what was expected, the hay harvest having prevented about fifty more from attending, ... After the service an adjournment was made to a large marquee, where tea was served. The table was elegantly decorated with flowers. About 200 partook of tea.



York Herald – 17 November 1888





LEYBURN POLICE-COURT. Yesterday, at Leyburn Town Hall, before Lord Bolton and the Hon. W.T. Orde-Powlet, John Sarginson, of Thoralby, tailor was committed for 14 days' hard labour for neglecting to maintain his wife and four children, who were now chargeable to the common fund of Aysgarth Union. ...


York Herald – 26 May 1888






Yesterday, Thos. Metcalfe, farmer, of West Burton, was fined £1 1s for removing a cow from Buckton, in the West Riding, to the North Riding without having a license. Michael Webster, farmer of Thoralby, was fined £1 1s. 6d. for removing a calf from Buckton, in the West Riding, to Thoralby without a license. – Ann Horn, of Bolton, Francis Place, William Airey, and John Whaley were fined 5s. each for neglecting to send their children to school.

Craven Herald - Saturday 02 March 1889


TO BE LET BY TENDER, an ALLOTMENT on Stake, belonging to Robert Sadler, Esq., containing 64a. 0r. 33p., well fenced and watered. Entry on the 6th day of April next. Tenders in writing to be sent to me, the undersigned, on or before the 23rd day of March next. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. - Thomas Firbank King, Land Agent and Surveyor, Edgley, West Witton, Bedale

  1st March, 1889.

York Herald – 21 March 1889




On Monday the Wensleydale Harriers hand another splendid day's hunting. A bagged fox, which had been run about six miles and then secured by Squire Tomlinson, afforded a capital run. The hounds met at the Palmer Flat in beautifully fine March weather, there being a good turn out of horsemen while there were a good many followers on foot. The bagged fox was turned down in Burton Bottoms, near to West Burton, and he made good use of his liberty by making for West Burton then through Thoralby and straight for Heaning Gill. In order to baffle his pursuers who were not put on the scent until the fox had fully eight minutes' start, the wily one ran by the side of Haw Beck and this ruse was particularly successful, as two hounds only were able with speed to follow the scent, which laid remarkably well. ...

The run together was upwards of four miles, the race being a cracker over very stiff country. This finishes up the season of the Wensleydale Harriers.

York Herald - Friday 29 March 1889



SACRED CONCERT. - A sacred concert was given in the Wesleyan Chapel on Wednesday night by the Middleham Wesleyan Circuit Choral Union of 50 voices, which consists of the choirs at Middleham, Redmire, Preston, West Witton, Thoralby and Bellerby. The concert was under the conduction of Mr. J. Rodwell, and was in aid of funds of the new organ for the Leyburn Wesleyan Chapel. The chapel was crowded.

Craven Herald - Saturday 06 April 1889


Bishopdale, Jeffrey Heseltine and William Dent

Newbiggin, Francis Spencer Dinsdale Senr. and Jno. Dinsdale

Thoralby, Thomas Dinsdale and Robert Heseltine

York Herald - Saturday 27 April 1889

AYSGARTH. - This meeting was held yesterday, the Rev. F.W. Stow in the chair. The elected churchwardens were - Carperby, W. Bell; Aysgarth, W.H. Tomlinson; Thoralby, L. [eonard] Jaques; Thornton Rust, M. Hammond; Newbiggin, R. Thwaites; Bishopdale, J.W. Lodge; West Burton, J.C. Winn.

Craven Herald – 27 April 1889


THE PRIMITIVE METHODISTS of the above village held their annual tea meeting in the New Reading-Room on Good Friday, to which a good number sat down. The tables were presided over by Mrs Lambert, Mrs Willis, Mrs Thwaite and Mrs Bushby, assisted by the following ladies, Mrs Jos. Webster, Mrs F. Sayer, Miss E. Thwaite, the Misses Ellen and Lizzie Willis, Miss Dora Webster, Miss E. Dinsdale, and Miss A. Heseltine. In the evening a public meeting was held, presided over by Mr. J. W. Spenseley, and addressees were delivered by the Rev. J.C. Livesey, Mr H. Tennamt and Mr C. Walker. The choir, assisted by Mr E. Brown and Mr. J. Dinsdale, rendered valuable assistance by singing a choice selection of hymns. Miss Ellen Willis presided at the harmonium.

Craven Herald - Saturday 11 May 1889


MAY FAIR. - The annual fair for the sale of cattle and sheep &c., was held on Monday, the 6th inst. There was an average show of cattle, and upon the whole a fair amount of business was transacted. Of sheep there was only a thin show, and were in limited request. There was a large supply of pigs in the market, trade being brisk and buyers plentiful. In the afternoon a variety of athletic sports were held, the various events being decided as follows: Trotting match for new bridle - first, Brain Cockburn's "Heather Bell" (winner of the Barrow-in-Furness handicap; second, J. Metcalfe's "Fireaway"; third, J. Brown's "Gold Seeker." 120 yards race - John Hemsley; second, J. Brown; third. T. Hammond. 100 yards race - first, W. [illiamHemsley, Thoralby, second, Jas. Thompson, Aysgarth. Treacle bu eating for boys - first, J. Sayer; second, - Biker.

[William Hemsley, age 27, general labourer can be seen in the 1891 census for Thoralby].

Richmond & Ripon Chronicle - Saturday 08 June 1889



On Monday evening a concert was given in the Cross Lanes School (kindly lent for the occasion), by the Middleham Circuit Wesleyan Choral Union, the following choirs being present: Leyburn, Bellerby, West Witton, Aysgarth, and Thoralby. The instrumentalists were: - Messrs. F. Kitching, A. Sedgwick, A. Rodwell, D. Croft, and W. Hall, violins: Mr. F. Sedwick, violincello: Rev. W. H. Lockhart, harmonium: conductor, Mr. J. Rodwell, West Witton. The following interesting programme was presented, each piece being loudly applauded: - Anthem, "God our refuge," full chorus; song, "The old sexton," Mr. A.  Blades; chorus, "Jehovah's praise," Preston choir: duet, "What are the wild waves saying?" Misses Lee: chorus, "Cry our and shout," Bellerby choir: duet, "Friendship,"Miss Rodwell and Miss Sedgwick: song, "Alone," Mr. Isaac Siddall: song, "Gates of the west,"Miss Barker; march from Eli, the band: chorus, "Lift up your heads," Preston choir: violin solo, "Life let us cherish," Mr. Kitching (encored): song, "Angels ever bright and fair," Miss Spence: song, "King and the air," Mr. C. Walker: song, "The child of the rose," Miss Sedgwick: chorus, "Lift the heart," Bellerby choir (encored): song, "The last mile-stone," Miss Rodwell: chorus, "Home sweet home," Preston choir (encored) anthem, "Daughter of Zion," full chorus: doxology. Mr. Lockhart acted as accompanist for the anthems. Mr. W. Dent ably preformed the duty of chairman. The whole of the pieces on the programme were very well rendered. Mr. Kitching was deservedly encored in the solo, "Life let us cherish," and in response repeated the latter portion of this well-known and much admired piece, with variations. The duets were nicely sung, as were the solos, each one meriting a fair amount of applause. The choruses were excellent, two choirs only taking choruses as their selection. Bellerby was again encored in the rendering of "Lift the heart." For a country village this is really a wonder. Preston secured an encore in "Home, sweet hone," and in reply gave "Father in heaven." The anthems were fairly rendered, Miss Lee taking a solo, "There is a strem," in good style. The room was packed to excess, many being unable to gain admission.

Craven Herald - Saturday 13 July 1889 - Whitby


THE PRIMITIVE METHODIST CHAPEL was re-opened on Sunday after being closed several weeks for re-painting, &c. In the afternoon a sermon was preached by Mr. A. Kettlewell, Cams House, Hawes, and in the evening a service of song entitled "Rhoda or the Gipsy Girl's Mission of Love" was given by the choir.   a

Craven Herald ? – 17 August 1889 - Bedale


THE OLD WESLEYAN CHAPEL. - The closing services in the old Wesleyan Chapel at Thoralby were held on Sunday last. In the afternoon there was a love-feast, presided over by Mr. Dent, of Leyburn, and in the evening Mr. Dent preached a suitable sermon to a good congregation. The old chapel was built in the year 1823, and the new one will be opened this week by the Rev. Sylvester Whitehead, of Stockport. Why him?

Craven Herald – 24 August 1889


OPENING OF THE NEW WESLEYAN CHAPEL. - On Thursday in the last week,  the New Wesleyan Chapel in the village was opened by the Rev Sylvester Whitehead, of Southport. The Chapel itself is a neat little building situated immediately opposite the old one and facing at right angles to it.  The front is pitch faced ashlar stone with a neat row of wrought iron palisading in front. The windows are of the ordinary cast glass relieved with tinted gothic panel in the centre of each. The door and interior woodwork is pitch pine, varnished. The rostrum, communion rails and singing pew are on to the left, while the floor has a gentle rise to the right. The lamps are of the latest design and suspended from the roof. The plans &c., have been drawn up by Mr T. F. King of Edgley, the contractors being Mr Jas. Peacock, Redmire and Mr Weatherald, Askrigg. The morning of the opening day was somewhat cloudy, and gravefears were entertained as to the day being fine; however, about noon a smart breeze sprung up and the clouds dispersed. Long before the time appointed for service, every available space was occupied, and as many could not get in, it was deemed advisable (after the first part of the service was over) to adjourn to a large marquee erected in the adjoining field. It was found many had already got seated, and in a very short tome the tent was quickly filled. Mr Whitehead took his text Revelations iii. 12. and preached a stirring sermon. - A public tea was provided in the reading-room, many partaking of the good things provided. In the evening the Rev J. Chambers (Middleham), opened a public meeting. The chair was occupied by Mr J.C. Winn, J.P., of West Burton, who in a very fitting little speech introduced the Rev S. Whitehead to give his lectuyre "The Bible in China," which was highly appreciated. The day's proceedings amounted to over £35. The Rev J. Chambers preached the ioening services on Sunday last.

Craven Herald – 18 October 1889 


THE ANNUAL SPORTS took place on Monday in fine weather, and in the presence of a large number of people. The gentry and inhabitants of the neighbourhood subscribed liberally for the prizes. The results were as follow: - Shooting - J. Foster, Starbottom; J. Musgrave, Beggarmonds. Trotting match - A. Wright, Buckden, "Peeping Tom"; 2 T. Leylands, Kettlewell, "Black Bess." Galloping match - J. Parker, Deepdale, "Fireway"; 2 A. Wright, Buckden, "Gipsy." Half-mile footrace - F. Jacques, Kettlewell; 2 W?. Dinsdale, Thoralby. 200 yards foot race - F. Jaques; 2. W. Dinsdale. ¼ mile foot race for Stand clock presented by Mr. C. ...?

Craven Herald – 4 October 1889


TO LET, "TOWN HEAD FARM," consisting of about 25 Acres of good Meadow Land, and 20 Acres of sound Pasturage. The house and outbuildings are most  convenient. Same to be entered upon on March 25th ,1890. Tenders to be sent to Sep Sadler, West Burton, Bedale.

Craven Herald – 25 October 1889


HAW. - October 17, at Thoralby, Wensleydale, Thomas Haw, boot and shoe maker, aged 77 years.

Craven Herald – 8 November 1889

OBITUARY. - On Sunday evening Mr William Dent, of Leyburn, conducted a memorial service in the New Wesleyan Chapel, Thoralby, in memory of Mr Thomas Haw, late of Thoralby, shoemaker, who died on the 17th ult., at the good old age of 77 years, and was buried at Aysgarth on the 21st ult. The chapel was crowded to excess, every inch of space being occupied, there being five persons in the Rostrum along with Mr Dent, and many were unable to gain admission at all. Mr Dent, who always counts his congregation when preaching, informs our correspondent that there were 285 persons in the chapel. After the usual singing and prayer, the reading of the lessons, and the singing of another hymn, Mr Dent commenced his sermon, taking for his text the words "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord, for their works do follow them," and after a few opening remarks he gave a short outline of the life and character of the deceased. He said that Thomas Haw was born in the village of Well, near Bedale, on the 6th day of July , 1812, where he lived with his parents until he was out of his apprenticeship, after which he came and took up his abode at Thoralby, where, with the exception of a break of about a year, he had lived ever since. After stating the date on which deceased was converted and joined the Wesleyan body, he said that deceased preached his first sermon in Thoralby Wesleyan Chapel exactly 49 years ago that very night, and it was a singular coincidence that he was planned to preached at Thoralby on the night when Mr Dent was preaching his memorial sermon. Mr Dent produced a plan for the Middleham Circuit for the year 1840 and out of the 34 names which appeared thereon, only one was now living, Mr Jeremiah Horn, of Preston-under-Scar. Mr Dent next dwelt upon the work of deceased in the Sunday school as a teacher, then as superintendent, and afterwards as class leader. He also narrated the many good qualities possessed by the deceased and the deep interest taken by him pertaining to the work of God, particularly in the rearing of the new chapel which he had longed to live to see. The congregation, during the time Mr Dent occupied in narrating the above facts, remained in breathless silence, and but for the sobs of some ladies who broke down, a pin might have been heard to fall. It is doubtful whether the Chapel will ever again have as many people within its walls as it remains a chapel, and this is one of the many proofs of the high esteem in which deceased was held by the townspeople of Thoralby and the neighbouring villages.

Craven Herald – 22 November 1889


SCHOOL ATTENDANCE MEETING. - At a school attendance committee meeting, held immediately after the above? , the school attendance officer was instructed to take out summonses against J. Waller, Thoralby, and Mary Biker, West Burton, for irregula  attendance at school of three children.

York Herald – 30 November 1889



SUDDEN DEATH AT THORALBY. A painful case of sudden death occurred at Thoralby, near Aysgarth, on Thursday night. It appears that Dorothy Dinsdale, wife of Thomas Dinsdale, tailor and farmer, retired to rest apparently in her usual health, but after she had been in bed for a short time, she complained to her husband of being ill, and died before medical aid could be procured. Death is supposed to have been caused by heart disease.


[Dorothy was only aged 42].

Craven Herald – 6 December 1889

To Let.

BLIND SYKE, near THORALBY. - TO BE LET from 6th April next, BLIND SYKE FARM containing 77 acres, more or less, of Meadow and Pasture Land. - Apply to William Metcalfe, Blind Syke, or the Thomas Metcalfe, Nappa Hall, Wensleydale.

Craven Herald – 6 December 1889



... At the instance of Wm. Metcalfe, school attendance officer to the Bainbridge Board of Guardians, the following parents were fined 6d each and costs, amounting to 5s in all, for not sending their children regularly to school: - Geo. Preston, Stall-in-Busk; James Waller, Thoralby; and Mary Byker, of West Burton.

Northern Echo - 13 December 1889

Situation &c., Vacant.

SHOEMAKER, - Wanted, good Country Shoemaker. Permanent work for a steady reliable man. - Apply, J.L. Haw, Thoralby, Bedale. m229.


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