Newspaper Extracts - Thoralby
Yorkshire Post and Leeds Intellingencer – 25th February, 1890
Valuable Freehold and, as to a very small part, Long Leasehold
ESTATES for Sale.
Messrs J.HESELTINE & SON will Sell bu Auction, at the King's Arms Hotel, Askrigg, in the county of York, on Thursday, 13th day of March, 1890, at Six o'clock in the Evening, in the following or such other lots as may be agreed on, and subject to condition of sale to be then read.
ALL that Valuable DIARY FARM, called "Thwaite-holme," situate in the township of Askrigg, in the parish of Aysgarth ... consisting of a newly built (stone) [four years ago] and commodious Farmhouse, Outbuildings, and Closes of Land, containing altogether (by estimation) 28a. 3r. 27p., or thereabouts ...
And also all that other Valuable DAIRY FARM, called "Littleburn," situate in the respective townships of Thoralby and Newbiggin, in the aforesaid parish of Aysgarth, now in the occupation of the representatives of the late Mr. Thos. Fawcett, consisting of a capital Farmhouse, or Family Residence, and 52 a. 2r. 34p. of Meadow and Pasture Land, or thereabouts (more or less).
The Littleburn Farm will be sold with possession on the 6th pf April next, ...
Both Lots are Freehild of inheritance, with the exception of about two acres of the Littlebyrn Farm, which is Leasehold, held for the residue of a certain term of 999 years, created in the year 1746, at a merely nominal rent (if any).
Attached to Littleburn Farm are 5 4-10 Sheep Gaits on Wassett Fell, which will be sold as appurtenant to the Land, as well as an unlimited Right of Sporting ion the same Fell (Grouse Moor).
The Dwelling-house at Littleburn was originally erected at a cost of between £1,000 and £2,000, and with a small and judicious outlay could be made very compact and comfortable Family Residence, and for a small capitalist wishing to retire and farm his own Land Lot 2 presents and exceptional opportunity. ...
There is capital trout and grayling fishing to be found in the immediate vicinity of the farms. and hounds are kept in the neighbourhood as well.
Both properties are within easy access of railway communication; the Littleburn property being within about two miles of Aysgarth Station, ... on the North-Eastern Railway; and both stations afford direct access by both the Midland and North-Eastern train systems.
The thriving market towns of Hawes and Leyburn are also of easy access by rail or road, and the property as a whole presents an investment not often to be met with in the neighbourhood..
The respective tenants will show the property ion application, and printed particulars may be obtained if the Auctioneers, Hawes, Yorkshire; or of
W.E.M. WINN, Solicitor, Askrigg, Hawes,
Askrigg 6th February,1890.
York Herald - 31 May, 1890
FATAL ACCIDENT AT THORALBY, WENSLEYDALE. - Mrs. Bushby, who resided at Thoralby, near Aysgarth, was found at the stairs foot of her house dead on Thursday last. Deceased, was about 80 years of age, lived alone.
[Ellen Bushby was an 80 year old widow, born at Newbiggin].
Yorkshire Herald – 2nd June 9th, 1890
THORALBY WESLEYAN CHAPEL. - Yesterday, the anniversary of the Sabbeth School attached to Thoralby Wesleyan Chapel was held for the first time in the new chapel. Mr. William Dent, of Leyburn preached the anniversary sermons, for the twenty-third time in succession, to capital congregations. Special hymns were sung, and at the close of the services collections were taken in aid of the school funds.
Yorkshire Herald – 22nd September, 1891
THORALBY WESLEYAN CHAPEL. - On Sunday special sermons on behalf of the trust funds were preached to large congregations by Mr. W. Dent, of Leyburn, the musical portion being rendered by the string band of the Middleham Methodist Choral Union. The chapel has been presented with a clock by Mr. and Mrs. Dent, of Leyburn, to commemorate 25 years successive Sunday school anniversaries conducted by Mr. Dent.
Yorkshire Gazette – 21st November, 1891
George Crofton Wray, of Straits, C.S., Protector of Chinese at Singapore, whose marriage is announced in another column [to Miss. Ada J. Goolden, of Lancaster gate], is of a family that has for three centuries held land in the parish of Aysgarth, being the son of George Octavius, the eldest son and only surviving child of Captain George Wray, of Cleasby, who was the eldest son of George Wray, of Thoralby Town-Head [Old Hall], in Aysgarth. ...
Yorkshire Herald – 30th May, 1892
On Friday, at Leyburn Town Hall, ...a farmer, of Thoralby, near Aysgarth, named James Waller, was charged with wilfully hungering the cattle on his farm. ... Richard Routh, a farmer, said her thought defendant was not capable of managing any stock. He had complained to defendant about the way he treated his stock - Christopher Watson, farmer said he did not think defendant was competent to take charge of a farm. - Defendant said he had nothing to say. - The Bench fined defendant £2 and costs or in default 21 days's imprisonment with hard labour. The money was paid.
[James Waller can be viewed in the census returns for Thoralby,].
Yorkshire Herald – 28th November, 1892
LEYBURN POLICE COURT. - On Friday, at Leyburn Town Hall ... - Aaron Knaggs, of Banibridge, grocer, for being drunk and disorderly at Askrigg on the 10th November, was fined 10s., including costs. - James Waller, of Thoralby, farmer, for allowing two cows and three young beasts to stray on the highway on the 25th October, was fined 1s. for each animal and costs, amounting to 14s. in all.
Leeds Mercury – 22nd September, 1893
Yesterday, in glorious autumn weather, the fourth annual show and sale of rams, ewes, and gimmers, belonging to members of the Wensleydale Long-wool Sheep Breeders' Association and Flock Book Society, were held at Leyburn, and were largely attended, buyers being present from all the northern counties. ... The show was held in a paddock adjoining the Bolton Arms Hotel, and was very largely attended, ... Class 7. - Gimmer lambs, W. Atkinson, ... 2, Leonard Jaques, Thoralby, Aysgarth.
[Leonard Jaques can be viewed in the census returns for Thoralby,].
York Herald – 3rd April, 1894
Thoralby, Thomas Dinsdale and John Scott; ...
[Thomas Dinsdale and John Scott can be viewed in the census returns for Thoralby,].
Northern Echo – 27th October, 1894
LEYBURN POLICE COURT. - John Tate, labourer, of Thoralby, for being drunk on licensed premises, the George and Dragon Inn, Aysgarth, on the 5th inst., was fined 5s and costs. - Richard Heseltine, landlord of the George and Dragon Inn, Aysgarth, was charged with permitting drunkenness. ... The Bench imposed a fine of £2, and ordered him to pay 5s 6d costs.
York Herald – 29th June, 1895
SUDDEN DEATH AT THORALBY. - On Saturday morning Dr. J.S. Walton held an inquest at Thoralby, near Aysgarth, on view of the body of Mrs. Serginson [Mrs. Ann Sarginson], wife of a farmer, who died suddenly on Friday last. Her husband [John] had gone out of the house on Friday morning to feed the pigs, leaving her apparently in her usual state of health. On his return a few minutes after, he found her lying on the floor of the kitchen. The jury, after hearing evidence, returned a verdict of death from natural causes.
[John and Ann Sarginson can be viewed in the 1891 census return for Thoralby].
Yorkshire Gazette –7th September, 1895
The following YEARLINGS, the property of Mr Robert Stirk.
THORALBY, a Bay Colt by Warlaby (by Syrian) out of Mrs Skelton (dam of several winners, including Indian Prince, India Chief, &c.), by Landmark out of Catalonia, by Lord Clifden out of Tarragonna, by Orlando. ...
[Robert Stirk was born at Thoralby and can be seen living at Holmeside Farm in the 1841 census for Thoralby].
Yorkshire Herald – 25th October, 1895
AYSGARTH GUARDIANS AND DISTRICT COUNCIL, These bodies held their usual fortnightly meeting on Monday in the Board Room, Bainbridge, ... The Surveyor reported that the damage done to the roads by the late floods had now been made good. ... The offer of Mr. Willis to complete a footbridge at Thoralby for £4 10s. was accepted [Goose Lane footbridge].
[A postcard of the bridge can be seen in Thoralby Postcards].
Craven Herald – 26th March, 1897
HOME MISSIONS. - The annual home missionary meeting was held in the Wesleyan Chapel on the 17th inst., when the circuit ministers (Revs C.H. Burton and W.H. Holmes) delivered a suitable addresses. Mr Thomas Dinsdale officiated as chairman.
BAND OF HOPE. - On Friday evening several members of the West Witton Band of Hope gave a miscellaneous entertainment, consisting of songs, glees, recitations and dialogues, in the Cross-lanes School-room, in behalf of a newly-formed Band of Hope at Thoralby. A large and excellent programme was nicely rendered before a large audience. The songs and dialogues were very well given, and great credit is due to those who took part in the dialogues for the excellent manner in which they maintained their parts. Mr. R. Ewbank, of Temple, occupied the chair, and, in the course of his remarks, congratulated the promoters on the successful start which they had made, having enrolled upwards of 100 members in about a week. At the close a vote of thanks was passed to the friends from West Witton for so kindly offering their services, and giving such an excellent entertainment. As a result, a substantial amount has been placed in the hands of the treasurer.
Yorkshire Evening Post – 30th June, 1897
WENSLEYDALE.- Thoralby, 1½ miles from Aysgarth Station. Chapel House [Chapel Garth] to Let, 11 rooms, stable, and outbuildings; large garden; pleasant situation; rent moderate. - Apply Mr. Nicholson, 10, Cromer Terrace, Leeds.
Craven Herald – 3rd September, 1897
HOME MISSIONS. - At these sessions, on Friday before Lord Bolton (chairman) and other magistrates, ... - Peter McGrath, Irish labourer, and John Dinsdale, farmer, Thoralby, under the Employers' and Workman's Act, to recover £2 wages for haymaking. Plaintiff had been engaged for a month, and on the expiration of half he was dismissed, and paid for the time he had worked, namely, £2, and he sued for the other £2 for the full month for which he was engaged. The Bench made and order for £1 and 10s costs.
[John Dinsdale can be viewed in the 1901 census return for Thoralby].
Yorkshire Evening Post – 3rd August, 1898
WENSLEYDALE.- To Let, one Sitting and 3 Bed Rooms (piano), with or without board. - Mrs. Scuurah, Lime Tree House, Thoralby, Aysgarth.
York Herald – 1st February, 1899
AYSGARTH UNION BOARD OF GUARDIANS AND DISTRICT COUNCIL. ... - The Chairman reported that the late floods had washed all the metal off the road near Ashington Bridge, and Mr. Jaques said that the floods had taken a foot-bridge near to Thoralby. Resolved: That the Surveyor put same into order again. - It was decided that the work now in progress at Carperby be paid for by a special rate when completed. - With regard to the Newbeggin water supply, the Clerk reporterd that though he had writtend twice to a certain agent, he had not yet received a reply. Requested to write again - a registered letter - prepaying an answer, as this waiting was a great inconvenience to the inhabitants. From Mr. Purchas a sketch plan of house, etc., asking to give and take a piece of ground at Thoralby, came before the Council, and was though to be an improvement, but a committee was appointed to examine and decide.
York Herald – 8th April, 1899
Last night, at the Reading-room, Thoralby, Mr. John Marshall, the Liberal agent for the Richmond Division, delivered a political lecture. The lecture was illustrated by magic lantern views.
Northern Echo – 23rd June, 1899
Yesterday, the second annual picnic in connection with Thoralby Band of Hope took place at Newbiggen.
Northern Echo – 21st August, 1899
Last night, at The Wensleydale Agricultural Society's Show at Leyburn on Saturday was a very successful one. ...
In cattle the prize winners were: - ... ; J. [James] Coates, Thoralby, Aysgarth;
[James Coates can be viewed in the 1901 census for Thoralby].
Newcastle Courant – 26th August, 1899
...Mr Pease says the stang-riding custom is now obsolete, since writing which he has heard on the authority of Mr Blakeborough (for many years resident at Ripon) that the custom was observed at Thoralby, in Wensleydale, so recently as October, 1896. Perhaps Northumberland and Durham are more moral counties than Yorkshire, or the stang-riding never quite so popular there, or offenders more vigilant in escaping the public degradation, but certainly in Yorkshire the practice still obtains in the out-of-the-way villages.
Riding the Stang was an ancient practice once common throughout the country for holding up to ridicule and embarrassment quarrelsome couples, wife-beaters and adulterers. This illustration below, from George Walker’s Costume of Yorkshire shows an example of it somewhere in Yorkshire around 1814. Thoralby is the last place in England where it was known to have taken place in October 1896. The practice involved a gang of youths descending on the house of the victim often with a straw effigy of the miscreant on a pole or stang, although sometimes it was carried in a cart and the leader of the group rode on the stang. The leader sang a doggerel verse that was adapted to fit the crime and his confederates made rough discordant music, by playing tin whistles and banging loudly on saucepans, tin cans or anything else that came to hand. This was repeated on three consecutive nights, after which the straw effigy was ceremoniously burned in front of the culprit’s house.
Riding the Stang, The Costume of Yorkshire, 1814 by George Walker. Courtesy of the Macfie-Calvert Collection, the Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes.