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World War One
Aysgarth Parish 
H - L

Below are the biographies of some of the men and women from the Roll of Honour table who served during the Great War. The list seeks to remember all who served, not just those who lost their lives. Inevitably, it is incomplete, but it is hoped that additional names will be added as further information becomes available. Those who made the ultimate sacrifice are shown with a         alongside their name. 

Keith Taylor, author of 'Wensleydale Remembered,' has very generously allowed me to transcribe and display material from his excellent book about the lives of those from Aysgarth Parish who made the ultimate sacrifice. Some additional information has also been provided by the owners of the website, Craven’s Part in the Great War.

The names are in alphabetical order of surname to make it easier to scroll down to find a particular name. 

If you notice any errors or have additional people to add to the list, further information about people already included or a photograph, please contact me. Thank you.

"George's father, Tunstall Hammond, a West Burton man, married Ann Iveson from Gayle, setting up home in West Burton. Tunstall was a stonemason, working in the quarries on the height near Morpeth Scar and in the quarries in Bishopdale, near Aysgarth. George was born in 1896, had an elder sister and brother, Esther and William and younger sister Annas. In 1915 he enlisted at Baroldswick and joined the same Battalion as his cousin Herbert Kilburn [see below].

By August 31st 1916 Herbert and George were in Forceville-Thiepval sector, with the Battalion preparing for an attack on a strong point in front of Thiepval village, part of a large attack to be made on both sides of the River Ancre. It was to prove a "Black Day" for the Battalion, with heavy losses sustained and no success to compensate for the casualties. At 5.10 a.m. on September 3rd the companies swarmed over the parapet and a deadly crossfire of machine-gun bullets opened from the direction of the enemy strong points, plus very heavy shelling embracing the while Thiepval Wood. At this stage of the action most of the officers and NCO's were hit.

"B" Company charged and captured its first objective, but they were exposed in shell holes and they lost heavily from machine-gun fire. "A" Company passed through "B" Company but received heavy casualties, even being hit by their own shell fire. For some time, the Company lay in the open, exchanging shots with the enemy. Casualties were piling up but the second objective was not yet taken. When they charged again, at 6 a.m., only about 40 of the Battalion had reached the second objective and these were shelled heavily by howitzer and trench mortars.

No carrying parties had been able to get up to the captured position and they had to collect and use ammunition and bombs from the dead and wounded. The rest of the attack had failed and by 7 a.m. the only British troops maintaining their position in the enemy defences were those of the Battalion.

The Germans counter-attacked strongly and a slow withdrawal was ordered. Few, however, made it back across no-man's land to their own lines, with machine-gun fire taking its severe toll.

Only once, on October 11th 1918, has the Battalion had heavier casualties than on September 3rd. The total casualties for the day were 11 officers and 336 men killed or wounded, out of 18 officers and 629 men.

Two of the men killed by machine-gun fire during the ill-fated attack were Herbert Kilburn and George Hammond. Wensleydale men, fought together, died together and are buried in the same cemetery on the Somme. Herbert is buried in grave X1X.A.7., and George in grave V11.D.9., both in Mill Road Cemetery, Thiepval, [The Somme, France.] Died 3rd September 1916, age 19." See photo of cemetery with Herbert's details, below.

[Transcribed from 'Wensleydale Remembered', by Keith Taylor].

George Iveson Hammond - Death Penny
Private, George Iveson Hammond of West Burton
© Thoralby Through Time

Private George Iveson Hammond of West Burton

George is also remembered on his parents' T. & A. Iveson's headstone in Aysgarth churchyard. He is also commemorated on the gate pillars at the entrance of St. Andrew's Church, Aysgarth, on a brass plaque within the Church and on the village war memorial and in the Methodist Chapel in West Burton village (see Aysgarth and West Burton, Home Front Section for images).


A local metal detectorist, Matt Bullimore found George Iveson Hammond's Death Penny medal and wishes to reunite it with genuine family members who would treasure it. If you have a genuine claim, please contact me.

 George Iveson Hammond of

West Burton's Death Penny

Mark Hammond (1894-1981)                                                     Aysgarth

Mark was christened at Aysgarth Church on 9 December 1894 and was born at Hestholme, Aysgarth (see map opposite). The first child of George William and Frances née Hopper. The couple had married at Askrigg Church in December 1890. George William's occupation was a farmer, and his wife Frances was born at Scarr Top, Bainbridge, was living there at the time of their marriage. A daughter Sybil was born in 1896 and two years later another son, George was born.


By the year 1900 the family had moved to nearby Thornton Rust and this was where, Joseph Powell Hammond (1900-1981) his youngest brother was born, (also served in WW1, see photograph below). His father’s occupation remained farmer. Tragically, in April 1910 Marks, brother George died, aged only 11, in the Victoria Hospital at Richmond and was buried in Aysgarth churchyard. 

Hestholme Farm, Aysgarth
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Mark Hammond (1894-1981), clipping a sheep
© Thoralby Through Time

Hestholme Farm see black arrow on the O.S. Map.


Formerly in Thoralby Detached Township, now in Aysgarth Township, also the home of Matthew Heseltine, after his parents deaths at Swinacoat, see below.

By the time of the 1911 census, the family had moved to a farm at Hauxwell, near Constable Burton, George William was a farmer, own account. Mark aged 16, was living and working on the family farm and his occupation was farmer’s son. In April 1913, Mark's mother Frances, dies at the relatively young age of only 49, at the family farm ‘Newfound England’, Hauxwell. Frances was also buried at Aysgarth.

Mark clipping a sheep. (Courtesy of Loretto Nora Eleanor Jane Taylor, née Hammond.)

Sometime after this Mark leaves home and enlists in the army, where he served as a Gunner in the Royal Garrison Artillery, Unit 111HB (Heavy Brigade). Mark was finally demobbed from the army in mid-1919. In November 1919, Mark marries Elizabeth Bone, at Hauxwell, originally, she was from Brighton in Hampshire. Mark was aged 25, and Elizabeth was aged 23. The couple leave the dales, and moved to Hampshire, where they had three children, but Mark remained in farming, eventually moving to Shere in Surrey. It is there that he died in December 1981, aged 87 and is buried with his wife.

Gunner Mark Hammond (1894-1981)
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Gunner Mark Hammond. (Courtesy of Clive Hammond, grandson.)

Mark Hammond 2 R.jpg
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Mark’s WW1 Memorabilia: Horse spurs, shoulder badge, cap badge, Medals and penknife.

(Courtesy of Clive Hammond.)

Family recall Mark visiting back to the Dales and reminiscing about 'the old days'. Mark always held in his heart, his birthplace in the Dales as 'home'. His brother Powell (see photograph below) remained in the area. See also the Memorabilia section.

Joseph Powell Hammond (1900-1981)
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Mark Hammond, Hestholme, Aysgarth (1894-1981)
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Gunner Mark Hammond. (Courtesy of Clive Hammond.)

Private Joseph Powell Hammond, Mark's younger brother.    (Courtesy of Clive Hammond.)

Hammond Family, 'New England' Farm, Hauxwell
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George Wm., Powell & Sybil, 'Newfound England', Farm, Hauxwell. (Courtesy of Loretto Nora Eleanor Jane Taylor, née Hammond.)

"Jack's grandfather, John Harker, was a lead miner from Gunnerside, Swaledale, who married his wife Nancy, a Morecambe girl. They were living at West Witton by 1861 and Carperby by 1871, as the lead industry declined. By 1881, however, Nancy was a widow farming 15 acres at Carperby cum Thoresby.

Four children resulted from this marriage, the second eldest being Edmund Harker. By 1891 Edmund, a railway clerk was lodging with the Arnott family in Leeds, and married Minnie Arnott, one of the daughters. In 1894 a son, John (Jack) Gilbert Harker was born at Bramley, but by the start of the Great War the family was living at Gravelly Hill, Birmingham, as Edmund's job on the railway meant that he moved around the country. However, most of Jack's uncles and aunts were still living in the Carperby area, either farming or working as postal assistants in the area, and Jack would visit on occasions.

Jack Harker volunteered to join the army in late 1914, enlisting at Handsworth, and by 1915 he was a private in the 1st/5th Battalion South Staffordshire Regiment. During July 1915 the Battalion was stationed in the Ypres Salient, SE of Ypres, defending the trenches in the Zillebeke, Armagh Wood and Hill 60 section of the line.

Although no major actions occurred, there was a constant trickle of casualties from shell fire, trench mortar grenade and sniper fire. Patrols and bombing parties were sent across no-man's land and the Royal Engineers reported that German sappers had been mining towards the South Staff's position on the SW slope of Hill 60. The engineers recovered 1,250 lbs. of German explosives from the mine gallery.

At 10.30 p.m. on August 2nd the South Staffs were relieved on the line and went into Brigade Reserve at Railway Dugouts. For the next four days the time was passed in providing working parties for the Royal Engineers, repairing support trenches and communications systems. Although now behind the lines, danger was ever present from German artillery and on August 6th Jack Harker was killed by an exploding shell whilst helping the Royal Engineer's working party. Having been fortunate to escape death in the front-line trenches, his luck ran out in a supposedly safer environment. His body was buried in grave 1.C.1. of the Railway Dugouts Burial Ground [Belgium], close to where he was working. Died 6th August 1915, age 21." He is also remembered on the War Memorial in Carperby village, see Carperby in the Home Front section.

[Transcribed from 'Wensleydale Remembered', by Keith Taylor].

Jack is also remembered on his grandparents' J. & N. Harker's headstone in Aysgarth churchyard. He is also commemorated on the village war memorial in the centre of Carperby village (see Carperby, Home Front Section for images).

The Market Cross, Carperby village
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The Market Cross, Carperby village, not dissimilar to the Cross opposite where Jack is buried.

Jack Harker is buried in grave 1.C.1., Railway Dugouts Burial Ground, Belgium, (courtesy of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission).

William Hemsley (1897-1917)                                                     Aysgarth

"William Hemsley was born in the village of Thoralby, the youngest child of farmer John Hemsley and his wife Alice, living at Town Head Farm [see photograph below]. William attended the local school and, in his teens, became an invaluable member of the Aysgarth Amateur Dramatic Society. [Moving with his widowed Mother to Aysgarth before the 1911 census]. At the outbreak of the war, aged 17, he enlisted in the 10th Battalion Yorkshire Regiment and went to France in October 1915.

Corporal William Hemsley, Thoralby & Aysgarth
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Corporal William Hemsley of Thoralby and Aysgarth

Town Head Farm, Thoralby 
© Thoralby Through Time

Town Head Farm, Thoralby 

At 9 p.m. on October 3rd, 1917 the Battalion formed up ready for the attack on Brooseinde, on the Ridge, the following day, but immediately came under intense shell fire and were told to find what shelter they could in shell holes.

At 5.15 a.m. on October 4th they were in front of Polygon Wood, where the enemy, at zero hour, put down an intensive barrage. The Battalion was under heavy fire uninterruptedly from 9 p.m. on October 3rd until 6 p.m. on October 4th and had suffered serious losses. They simply held on under intense fire. The trench conditions were terrible with men standing in over a foot of slime.

Amongst the many who were lost during this day's actions were Nat [Iveson of Gaits, Gayle] and William. Both men from the same Yorkshire dale are commemorated on the same panels of the Tyne Cot Memorial, Panels 52 and 54 and 162A, [Belgium.] Died 4th October 1917, age 19." [see below].

[Transcribed from 'Wensleydale Remembered', by Keith Taylor].

William is also remembered on his parents' J. & A. Hemsley's headstone in Aysgarth churchyard. He is also commemorated on the gate pillars at the entrance of St. Andrew's Church, Aysgarth, on a brass plaque within the Church and on the village war memorial in the centre of Aysgarth village (see Aysgarth, Home Front Section for images).

The Tyne Cot Memorial, Belgium William Hemsley is commemorated on Panels 52 and 54 and 162A." (courtesy of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission).

Jack, christened John was born at Thoralby the first child of ten of Matthew and Margaret née Dinsdale. Jack attend Cross Lanes School, Newbiggin until the age of fourteen years old. In the 1891 census, Jack aged 17, was living on the family farm at Swineacoat, Thoralby and his occupation was farmer's son. By the time of the 1901 census Jack, now aged 27 has left his home area and living in Wakefield, boarding with Elizabeth Atkinson, widow and laundress. His occupation was Stone mason. At the time of the 1911 census, Jack now aged 37 was still with the same boarding lady and remained a stone mason.

Jack Heseltine (1873-1938)

Jack Heseltine.

(Courtesy of Elaine Myres.)

Jack enlisted into the army on 16th April 1917, some seven months after his brother Matthew and cousin of the same name had been killed, on the same day in the Battle of the Somme 1916 (see below). At the time of enlistment he was aged 43, religion, Wesleyan, occupation mason, next of kin his brother Christopher, at Hestholme Farm, (see photograph below).His service record medical form had added at the top 'Over-age'. Jack attained the rank of Lance Corporal in the  Yorkshire Light Infantry, during the time he served.

Below is the transcript of a letter to his niece, Maggie Simpson written on 17 December 1917.

The letter was enclosed in a Christmas Card, see below.

[Maggie, who was aged 20 when she received the letter, was the eldest daughter of Jack's sister,

Jane Elizabeth].

"Dear Maggie

I received your welcome letter and Christmas Card and it was very nice, I was pleased to hear you was well as the same leaves me at the present, you must excuse me not writing before as we have not had much time we have been on the move a good bit lately so that we have not much chance of writing much. We are having some very wintry weather out here. It is a keen frost, and we are in tents so you may be sure it is not very pleasant at times. I am close to the place where your Uncle Matt was killed. It always reminds me of him when I see the little Wooden Crosses which are put over the dead, and there are hundreds all over the place. It is a very wild forlorn looking country where we are now. It is to be hoped


this War will not be long before it is over. I should have been on leave before now but the leaves were stopped for some reason, so I can't say when it will come off now. You must excuse the scribble as there is not much light in the tent. I am sending you a Card. They are all the kind we can get here and they have got to be got miles away. I hope you do get Home for Christmas. I have wrote them a few lines. When I do get a leave I shall be over to see them all being well.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Bright and Happy New Year.

I Remain, Your Ever Loving Uncle, Jack."

(Transcript of letter, by Juliet Barker and Pip Pointon, original copy of letter and card below, courtesy of Mary Hugill and Edith Pratt).

Margaret (Maggie) Simpson - David Stout

Maggie Simpson (1897-1977), 

(courtesy of David Stout).

 Hestholme Farm, Aysgarth

Hestholme Farm.      (Courtesy of Mary Hugill.)

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The Card and letter were posted whilst on Active Service and bear the postmark: 20 Dec 17.

Jack Heseltine 4 R
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Jack Heseltine 5 R
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John survived the war and returned back to Wakefield and married Ada Brennan in 1925. He died in Wakefield in 1938, aged sixty-four. See also the Memorabilia section.

May Heseltine 2 EM
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 May Heseltine, standing on the left and Margaret Cloughton

née Heseltine.

(Courtesy of Elaine Myers.)

May, christened Mary was born at Swinecoat, Thoralby the eighth child of ten of Matthew and Margaret née Dinsdale. May attend Cross Lanes School, Newbiggin until she was fourteen years old. In the 1911 census, May aged 23, is living on the family farm and her occupation is dairy work. Her younger   brother Matthew, aged 17 is also working on the family farm, whilst all of the other 8 siblings have left home. Sadly, May’s mother died in December 1911 and in the following July her father also dies. She must have felt quite alone as her brother William had emigrated to the USA, finally settling in Canada, whilst her sister Margaret also emigrated to the USA in 1914. 

In 1915, May joined the Voluntary Aid Detachment and trained as a registered nurse. Her contact   details on her Red Cross VAD form were her sister, Eleanor, now Mrs T. Dinsdale of Thoralby. In  November 1916 a parcel and expenditure of a dressing gown for nurse Heseltine was listed in the Aysgarth parish magazine: “Thoralby and Newbiggin Working Party”, to be sent overseas. Family recall her serving as a nurse during the war in Egypt and a collection of their photographs bear testament to that fact. “She did have plans of marrying one of the Doctors that she had met, but he had suddenly died.  Mary was pretty well devastated when this happened.” great-niece Elaine Myers. 

May Heseltine - nurse 1914 Aysgarth
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May Heseltine  nurse far left on own in
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May Heseltine on donkey in Egypt 2 R
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  Nurse May Heseltine, aged 27, No. 6 in the photo of Dr. Pickles V.A.D.’s, 1914 (Courtesy of F. & M.E. Snaith.)

           Nurse May Heseltine, far left              on duty in a hospital in Egypt.

(Courtesy of Elaine Myers.)

 May Heseltine on donkey,

sitting side-saddle in Egypt.

(Courtesy of Elaine Myers.)

In 1916 two enormous events took place in her life in September of that year her brother Matthew, aged only 21 and her cousin, also named Matthew, aged 21, were killed on the same day at the battle of the Somme (see below). In 1917 her sister left Thoralby, emigrating to the United States, later that same year her  eldest brother, John also joined the armed forces, serving in France, attaining the rank of Lance Corporal with the Yorkshire Light Infantry (see the Roll of Honour). Her sister Ann’s, husband David Chew from Skipton, also served in WW1. Her brother William who'd emigrated to Canada in 1908, died of a Diabetic Coma dying in 1917. 


In October 1919 she was released from her war service as a nurse. So, it was no surprise that in “April 1920, she arrived in Philadelphia on the SS Haverford from Liverpool, trained nurse age 32, bound for Hailey, Idaho. Next of kin Mrs T. Dinsdale, sister, of 'Swina Cote' Aysgarth.” Ships Manifest.

“Mary came to the US to help my grandmother, her sister, Margaret Heseltine (1885-1943) with our family. Margaret and Arthur whom had started a family having four children close together, with the added  complication, my Dad (born 1920) was asthmatic and needed a lot of home care.  He was always   having attacks. If it hadn't been for the nursing skills that Aunt Mary had, my Dad probably wouldn't have reached manhood. Mary did support herself here in Hailey, Idaho being a nurse at our local Hospital here until she married Roland Shepherd of Bellevue, Idaho.” great-niece Elaine Myers. 

May Heseltine with hat on in Egypt 3 R
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  May Heseltine in the foreground enjoying a picnic in the desert, in Egypt.

(Courtesy of Elaine Myers.)

May settled in Idaho and in December 1924 she married Roland Sylvester Shepherd, the couple had a farm near Bellevue, Idaho, where they farmed, raised fruit and ran a milk route for many years. They had a son John, daughter-in-law Leila and 2 granddaughters. Her husband was very ill for a long time prior to his death and constant bedside nursing care was her way of life for many months, her training as a nurse being called into service once again. She was a lifelong member of the Church of England. May died in April 1964, aged 76 in Hospital in Twin Falls, Idaho after only a short illness. She is buried alongside her husband, Roland.

May Heseltine in Egypt 4 R
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  May Heseltine visiting the sites in Egypt.  (Courtesy of Elaine Myers.)

Shepherd M.I R

   May Shepherd's gravestone. (Courtesy of Gravely and Morticia Diggens)

"Thomas Heseltine, the father of Matthew, was born into a Newbiggin farming family. He married Jane Falshaw, a teacher from West Witton, and farmed at East Lane Farm, Bishopdale, near Street Head, where son, John William, was born. By 1884 they had settled in the Toxteth area of Liverpool where Thomas ran a milk house, providing milk for the city. A daughter, Harriet was born in Liverpool.

The heyday of the Liverpool milk house was just before the outbreak if the Great War. By this time 4,000 head of cattle were kept within Liverpool, with a milk house at the end of most streets. Fresh milk was therefore available at any time. The owners were often from the Yorkshire dales, hoping to earn enough to obtain a farm of their own back home.

The milk house was purpose built, consisting of a large house with dairy, shippon, hay loft over the stable and muck midden, all enclosed within high walls and wooden gates. The dairy shop, usually managed by a female member of the family, was open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

In 1887 the Heseltine family moved back into Newbiggin, farming at East Burn Farm, with Thomas also working at the quarry as a stonemason. It was at Newbiggin, that Thomas, Isabel, Robert, Margaret, Matthew and Mary were born. Thomas Heseltine senior and his eldest son, John William, were born Methodist lay preachers on the Bishopdale and Aysgarth circuit.

Before the Great War, their eldest son had become the egg, butter, poultry and rabbit dealer for the area, going to the local markets on his horse and trap. Farm hands on the local farms trapped and killed rabbits, taking then to John to sell. He then despatched them by night train to Castleforfd, Bradford and Middlesbrough markets (his younger brother Robert was to continue this business after the war). Poultry were kept and taken live in baskets to Thirsk and Northallerton markets, where members of the Jewish community from Leeds, would arrive to purchase them.

Cows were replenished when their yields  dropped below three gallons a day. They were then sold for beef or sent back to the dales on the excellent railway network, to re-calve.

Cattle were fed on a mixture of brewery waste, molasses, Indian linseed and pea meal, with mixed water, with a later meal of hay. All available grass cut from parks, cemeteries and verges was used during the summer months.

A prize milk cow in Liverpool.

Heseltine family of Newbiggin, Aysgarth

Heseltine family of Newbiggin, Aysgarth. (Baby Matthew was later to be killed in the Great War.) 

Back row: Thomas, Jane, Harriet. Front row: Robert, Elizabeth, Thomas with baby Matthew, Maggie, Mary Jane with May on knee, John William, Isabelle.

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Brothers Thomas, Robert and Matthew eventually joined the army during the early stages of the war. It was Matthew who went to enlist the same time as his elder cousin and namesake, Matthew Heseltine from Thoralby, and they joined the same Regiment. Died 14th September 1918, age 21." [Both were killed on the same day.]

They are honoured on the The Thiepval Memorial, The Somme, France, Matthew from Newbiggin Pier and Face 3 A and 3 D, [see below.]

[Transcribed from 'Wensleydale Remembered', by Keith Taylor].

Matthew is also remembered on his parents' T. & M. Heseltine's headstone in Aysgarth churchyard. He is also commemorated on the gate pillars at the entrance of St. Andrew's Church, Aysgarth, on a brass plaque within the Church and on the village war memorial in Thoralby Village Hall (see Aysgarth and Thoralby, Home Front Section for images).

Private, Matthew Heseltine of Thoralby

Private Matthew Heseltine of Thoralby.

Matthew is also remembered on his parents' M. & M. Heseltine's headstone in Aysgarth churchyard. He is also commemorated on the gate pillars at the entrance of St. Andrew's Church, Aysgarth, on a brass plaque within the Church, and on the village war memorial in the Thoralby Village Hall (see Aysgarth and Thoralby, Home Front Section for images).

"Matthew was born in 1893 at the family farm at Swinacote, by the gill flowing just outside Thoralby. His parents were Matthew and Margaret (née Dinsdale from Reeth). Like his cousin, Matthew had three older brothers as well as having sisters, including Ann, Mary and Catherine, all three [two] of who had emigrated to America before the Great War began. Died 14th September 1916, age 22 [21]."

[Transcribed from 'Wensleydale Remembered', by Keith Taylor].


Additional Information: Mary (May) served as a nurse during the Great War, initially with Dr.Pickles and then overseas, including Egypt, before settling in America (see above).

The Thiepval Memorial, The Somme, France, Matthew Heseltine from Thoralby and Matthew Heseltine from Newbiggin are commemorated on  Pier and Face 3 A and 3 D, (courtesy of The Commonwealth War Graves Commission).

Swinacoat Farm, Thoralby

Swinacoat Farm c.1912 (Courtesy of Elaine Myres.)

© Thoralby Through Time

Below is the transcript of a letter to his niece, Maggie Simpson, on Sunday 28 May 1916.

[Maggie, who was 19 years old when she received the letter, was the eldest child of Matthew's sister, Jane Elizabeth.

(Original copy of letter below, courtesy of Mary Hugill and Edith Pratt).

"Dear Maggie

just a few lines in answer to your letter this morning glad to hear you are keeping well as the same leaves us at present. I had a letter from Aunt Polly (?) yesterday & she as gone to India so we are far parted now. I don’t now her adress yet or I would have sent you it well don’t think I have no writing paper when you see this coss I have this is a knew kind of paper made spescely for British Tomies & I don’t think well we have just been Inochlated & are having

48 hours rest but we cant rest for the blooming flys there are thousands of them well we have just come out of the trences but I wish I was only back and back in England if the roumours come true we have to be back in England next month but that will be to late to spend my birth day with you all well I will close remember me to all at home from your little Uncle

48 hours rest but we cant rest for the blooming flys there are thousands of them well we have just come out of the trences but I wish I was only back and back in England if the roumours come true we have to be back in England next month but that will be to late to spend my birth day with you all well I will close remember me to all at home from your little Uncle"

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In the letter above Matthew mentions hopefully getting leave next month, but that would be too late to spend his birthday at home with family. Sadly Matthew did not get the hoped for leave, and was killed in action in less than four months after writing this letter, aged only 21. His elder brother John (see above) writes to the same niece that he is serving 'close to the place where your Uncle Matt was killed.' This must have been unimaginably difficult for John and the many others who lost someone close. See also the Memorabilia section.